Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Double Runner Ice Skates

weekend of frivolity

Have you ever found something strange in your body or in the way of living, something inside you that you know for sure is wrong, as a single false note in a piano sonata, but without the right knowledge to frame it? Or somewhere that only you tara know, and you never confessed for fear of being taken for visionaries, or hypochondriacs?
Well, I confess, yes. But if I confess it is only with the smile of someone who has been confirmed not to be. But let's start from the beginning.
The first time I noticed was when I was little, the sea. I was fascinated by the view, understood as meaning: I was hooked at that time on how the world could be different for people. Several miracles fascinated me, first of all the perspective, you could not trust the vost for the size of objects, we wanted to touch. One thing could be far twice the size of me, but if I close one of the eyes and put his hand up to the other, even a bus could, the right distance, being caught between two fingers.
And the woods, polished by the sea, which seemed to smooth the eye revealed to hand a thousand veins, cracks, wrinkles of their lives at sea. The micro
then! A cockroach from sand, a being so as to be almost silly point, revealed abdominal legs lucendi antennas to be studied for hours, each time with new details to discover .. I'm definitely going off-topic, but now you understand why a child of six or seven years was so fascinated by her eyes. A day of many, watching the sky, I saw a dark shadow. The funny thing was that moving the eye was moving too, and stopped staring at a fixed point in turn. I thought it was a eyelashes, and it was all over them for a while '.
After a while, 'But I realized that that shadow was always there, ready to be seen, rather, to escape if I tried to look at it, every time I stared at the sky. Who would have believed me? And what could make me, if it was in my eye was certainly something very small and harmless, they might as well wait to understand more. Every summer, however, the shadows grew, it became bigger than the first, then became two, now arrived at now I can not count them well .. Anyway, I did not make ever word to anyone. Until I knew what it was, why risk talking about?
arrived at now, in fact. I had talked long ago the monkey, but then they died.
What bothered me the most, however, was not being able to explain what I saw, I knew I could not imagine it in words but I could not make the idea .. that's frustrating!
I would have removed her eyes only to see a little '!
few weeks ago I was in hospital, and staring at the blank, by the light coming in through a window. Over the years, and with practice, in fact, I managed to get almost to a fire,
if only for a few moments at a time. However
enough to see e. .. why did not I think of that before? Gliel'avrei drawn!

and so is the design, even if done with the fast paint. I'm like .. worms, However, in sections, and when I move the eyes move as if they were made of small arms linked to one to the head of, and are almost transparent .. I wanted to tell you .. .. but then what?
would have seen the draft un'ipocondriaco who knows or should have understood that you invented? And what would change for me? I trust the Monkey, I know I would have believed me, but I needed some other search .. So, Google for the first time in my life on topic, driven by a newscast of a man who had vision problems and had been found to have parasites inside the eye, I started looking for 'worms eye', and went forward until I found this image
And there, I started them a grin that I held on for half an hour. ^ ^ But then I'm not crazy, nor the only one! Wow! And I found a picture to show in Aug!
Then of course I continue to document and found that it is called floaters, and that is the consequence of deterioration of the lens, besides the fact that it happens to many people.
But the best thing was to find this little program here , a utility that allows you to 'see' how the world sees a person with these disorders.
If you're curious, download it and try! It 's funny and interesting, and then learn new things never hurts!
ragassuoli Hello, you have got to read and up to here with you next time!

Monday, October 11, 2010

How To Get Into Restricted Area On Ac 2


As usual, and as promised, here is the post on our walks in the weekend! Now becoming a tradition:) the fact is that I and Moreno are not animals from the city: both prefer the quieter areas, and be surrounded by nature, rather than from the streets of asphalt traffic. And what better place to enjoy nature in its beauty that the mountain?
In this period, then all the colors are warmer, as I mentioned in previous posts, and the mountain, with its orange and yellow and red, is gorgeous. Well ... not yet all of these colors to color the sunset, as you can see, but is beginning and it is already so beautiful, with some hot spot here and there to soften the hardness of the evergreen pine.
weekend of walks, then Saturday morning it was the turn of Tarvisio, that Moreno offered a good hunting ground for fungi (and you can see in these pictures). I unfortunately I could not take him away for a bit 'of work I had to play (fix notes, studying, writing, rearranging my room, after five days of up and down in Udine became unbearable), but I could fully enjoy the fruits of morning because the afternoon we made a quick and delicious mushroom pie:) if one day, maybe, Moreno deigned pinning doses, we will post the recipe. For now I'll describe it and you'll enjoy it only in your mind: Imagine four layers (or were five?) Of pie dough alternating with white sauce, still warm from the pan, and just made a nice sprinkling of nutmeg, and sauce that we have mixed mushrooms, previously sautéed in a pan with the spices appropriate. I assure you, a delight! So much so that both feel the smell coming from the oven, you feel like coming to devour instantly, even if it was not yet time for dinner!
Sunday however, after lunch, I made together with my mother (I felt like homemade ravioli, but my mom is too listless to them ^ ^ so that I made and she prepared the second), tasted with the whole whole family, including Moreno, he and I went to Mount Calvary, already mentioned above, to stock up on chestnuts. These fruits are typical of autumn, like a lot to both be boiled, roasted so we did not miss the opportunity to farcene a good meal!
We took a fair bit ', about a pound a head at a glance, and we had to shoot a bit' to find the right place, a paradise of chestnuts, "where every time you giravi, I saw others on the ground ready to be harvested.
I must confess that I, before meeting Moreno, I do not like chestnuts. Probably because they make my roast over a wood stove at the end were stringy and dry and had not earned my goodwill. In most chestnuts have always meant only one thing for me to stay with his family gathered around the fire and ribolla to discard these delicacies, and during my turbulent teenage years, finished in time to meet my love, this was by avoid at all costs. Of course now it is not:) but I still believe that the chestnuts Moreno are the best.
Of course we had to dry out all that much of God, then there are in the basement just waiting to be eaten. What can I say? We can not wait!
A hug for you, Mo &

Friday, October 8, 2010

Paedo Books And Films

do not know if everyone understood Oct.
your great beauty
in vats full belly fat as
must prepare and intoxication, and intoxication must prepare ... Along
my mountains, like birds fleeing clouds
sad crazy
my mountains along the copper-colored smoke
low clouds, low clouds, smoke ...
or days or months to go away forever, like you always
this is my life. Unlike all
years, and every year the same,
the hand of tarot cards that you never know
play, play
that you never know ...

Personally I do not love the summer and the sweltering heat (at least over here) I do not like very wet genius. I feel better when I have to add one or two layers below the sweater ^ ^ October is not yet at that level but draws a number of "clichés" like the warm colors that color the leaves and woods in this month: the roasted chestnuts, collecting chestnuts and mushrooms, walking in the woods on fire by what appear to be red, tranquility and peace for sure in summer you can not taste. Everything around us seems to become much warmer, and, oxymoron, the temperature drops. Yes, I like October. Moreno
this Sunday and I have planned a walk in the woods on Mount Calvary to stock up on chestnuts:) he has an eye for these things and knows where the chestnuts are more and better then all brings to mind a beautiful feast of roast evening! Maybe with a little 'ribolla of yellow and a cover of batteries on his knees, just to still honor this great month.
I hope you enjoy it like us, and that's been a long week-end! Giulia

PS The song of the 12 months of Gucci is quite long, but rewards the listener all the way ^ ^