Monday, November 29, 2010

Broiling Striplion Steak

Saturday in Trieste: Oklahoma! Post

Saturday was a fantastic day and full. Moreno had bought quite a while 'tickets for the musical Oklahoma! to surprise me, because I love myself with all the musical and that, looking at the program of the Teatro Rossetti of Trieste, I said that I would have liked to go there.
Lately here in Friuli is doing pretty cold that day and in particular we have also encountered snow and ice on the road! Unfortunately the picture was just too blurry to post it (I've taken while Moreno was driving ^ ^) ... but then you just imagine if you were wondering, here is pretty rare that it snows even in December! So it was a surprise for us to go out and see snow on the sides of the road to Trieste.
When we arrived at the theater we immediately felt the excitement in the air before a show ... both could not wait to sit in our chairs and enjoy the musical, but we had time to take pictures at the Politeama Rossetti, to let you see:

The windows of the "front" of the theater were plastered with posters! I almost felt like a steal once inside! :)

And here we are in our whole front of the theater style ^ ^

We also took pictures of the interior, because they both love it and thought it was worth it see also to you, the dome of the theater is painted like a sky with clouds and stars, small LED lights that turn off once the lights fall:

And here is the stage just before the show: the map of United States, which served as a curtain.

We both very much appreciated the interpretation of the actors and their voices are wonderful as well as the fantastic music and performed by a live orchestra ! I have to say then that the songs were really beautiful, catchy, complex and enjoyable, fantastic choreography and, in particular, very long (15 minutes!), Which depicts the dream of the protagonist.
I must admit that we had never heard of Oklahoma!, But maybe we are the only ^ ^ The musical is very famous in the States and England so that, after its debut, the musical has been replicated for over 2212 times on Broadway at the close! Do you think the U.S. tour of the show is a record, has 10 years and a half repeats. Then, released by the U.S., has been performed all over the world, translated into many languages \u200b\u200band did not know it was even made a film (of 1956). Also, what made us stand open-mouthed, Oklahoma! (Which is the song that I put in the video, taken from The Royal National Theatre Production of 1998) is the only song from a musical that has become the official anthem of the state ! Another little extra: the authors were Rodgers and Hammerstein, the creators of "All The Sound of Music ".

History, for those not familiar, is, simply, the love story between the young Laurey (played by Gemma Sutton) and the cowboy Curly (actor Mark Evans), and concludes at the end with their marriage. Around this main plot is also developed a secondary that tells another story of love, this time between the "easy" Ado Annie (Michelle Crook) and the simpleton Will (Joseph Pitcher). These two characters were very funny and gave a twist to the whole. Other important characters include Aunt Eller (the London-based star Marti Webb), Laurey relative of that watches over the community, the merchant Ali Hakim (also a character and diventente admirer of Ado Annie) and Jud Fry, Laurey's love bumpkin who tries to hinder the two lovers.

The show lasted three hours and, since it was started at 16 when we left it was almost time for dinner. Since near the theater is a Japanese restaurant ("Tokyo") where do we eat very well jumped at the chance!
I took a mix of sushi and maki, miso soup and then, instead Moreno took octopus in sweet vinegar (pictured), tempura and dumplings.
All delicious!

What can I say? We spent a day fantastica. Spero che il vostro week-end sia stato ugualmente bello!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Do I Need To Annuity After Death

for sushi and Mara- Our trip to Tuscany

Recently a blogger friend, Mara , asked us some suggestions about her honeymoon, because she and Matthew would like to visit our beautiful country. I replied her question with a comment, but I thought it would be better for them if they saw some pictures taken in our trip to Tuscany.
We went there with my whole family in july 2008- it seems yesterday though! We went to San Gimignano, Capalbio, Siena and other towns- but I can't remember all their names; we stayed in apartment in a little town near the sea and then almost every day we took the car and went to visit all the other cities. I'm afraid we didn't visit Firenze (Florence) because my family and I went there in the past, but you can see that we saw a lot of beautiful places! A warning: you'll see a lot of photos of the sea. I remember it was VERY hot so whenever we could, we went to the sea ^^

This and the next photo: beautiful views of the hills surrounding San Gimignano

Moreno and I under a porch in San Gimignano. As I said, it was very hot!!

The piazza (square). I remember that in this square there was a shop awarded for the best gelato in the world!

A sunset while returning to our apartment.

My mum and brother; i can't remember where this picture was taken, but that behind them was the ruin of an ancient castle.

My mum, my brother, Moreno and I playing cards near the seaside :)

In this photo we were to the Argentario (argento = silver), a place famous for the beautiful sea and the marine fauna. We saw a lot of beautiful fishes while snorkeling.

Playing Scarabeo (scrabble) late at night in the apartment we rent with Moreno and my long-haired brother ^^ We love this game (even if it's a little nerdy) and we can be very competitive! Everyone wants to win :)

A picture of a house in Capalbio.

Funny statue and medieval buildings in Capalbio

Natural thermal baths with sulphureous water. The sospicious-looking individual on the left with the striped t-shirt and sunglasses is my dad :)

Talkin' about weddings! While in Siena, in Piazza del Campo (where twice a year takes place the famous Palio), we spotted a bridal party coming across the square. All the guests were dressed in white/ chic :)

Another picture of Piazza del Campo, Siena.

The clock tower of Piazza del Campo

The Duomo of Siena.

Well, I think Meaningful These pictures are enough ... I hope you enjoyed this mini tour and I hope I did not make too much writing Mistakes in Inglese.

PS For Italian readers: I apologize for my post entirely in English but since it is directed in particular to an American reader, I wanted to facilitate, not force her to use GoogleTranslator, which sometimes makes the opprobrium. I ask for forgiveness:) I hope you understand anyway.
Big hugs to you!


Sunday, November 7, 2010

20 Feet Sailboat Cruiser

tiramisu, recipe Montersino

Ragassuoli Hello!
Here we go again: like almost every weekend, it rains .. And then the various projects of miles one leg after another around the autumnal woods go to hell. But this weekend there is a change from the usual ... Our home library has been enriched by the wonderful 'Tiramisu and Chantilly' Luke Montersino.
I had already spotted a while, but since its not really abbordabilissimo price (32 €) and the many rip-off with the cookbooks, I was terrified to take me home so bendidio patina.
Eventually, a few days ago I succumbed to madness and fascinated by the various recipes I found a new lonely house in the poor copy. How
book is really nice, big size, history and curiosity of the main ingredients, and some advice from the master to the basic preparations.
Montersino is really health-conscious, than to insist on pasteurization of eggs (each part of the recipe for tiramisu pâte à bombe ), and safe method even for hard to not make the acquaintance of Mrs. Salmonellosis, creates variants with gluten intolerance, for those who can not eat dairy products or for diabetics. The different recipes, however, as intriguing (like the 'tiramisu walking' or 'nuts and caramel tiramisu salty ') I think are pretty high level of difficulty as the preparation and success. The pictures provided, as well as to the salivary bulldog shows how often the pastry is close to other forms of visual art.
However, excited by the news, well loaded with all those beautiful pictures and, above all, never having tried to make tiramisu, I decided to go with the first recipe, the

Tiramisu Classico

Ingredients (I halved all but I am sorry: P However, depending on how many you are, with these doses there is fat in very good 4 / 5)

basis for pasteurized (pâte à bombe)
the one for which I respected the original doses: the surplus can easily freeze and use for other, as a base for many parfaits

yolks 175g sugar 340g water 100g

vanilla 1 vanilla (do not use powder crap!)

mascarpone 250g fresh cream 250g

for wet coffee coffee

350g sugar solution to 70%

150g sugar solution (the surplus is kept in a closed container, I've bottled for example, at room temperature, and is useful for different sauces and a few cocktails)
260 g of glucose syrup 80g of dextrose

caster sugar 580 g water 200 g ladyfingers

high quality

So, first of all say that, despite the odd ingredients (at least to me so it seemed) realtive is easy to do a good job, the most important thing are the raw materials, mascarpone, for example, I went to take it directly to a local cooperative that produces its milk and fresh cheeses at 0 km. Of course not everyone will have those opportunities, but I think also choose not to take the cocoa powder from 2 € per kilo in the supermarket has its importance. Best ingredients, more good will! And sometimes, weird ingredients like vanilla flavoring instead of real vanilla, well, I do not know how well they do, I do not give it to my grandchildren never, for example.
Last but not least, take only range eggs on land, even the hens have their right not to suffer!

ok, let's start with doing the basic pasteurized.
Whip the egg yolks with vanilla in the seeds by heating them on low heat and brought to 40 °
(Montersino recommend a torch but I do not have and went right down the shotfirer equal)
as you bring water and sugar to 121 ° in another pot. I have no thermometer, so I brought about the big bubble stage and off, and it worked. But I do not know if I just got lucky, so if you have a thermometer you will use it and safe. Heat sugar pour in yolks always flush mounting with the electric mixer or planetary, and continue beating until it cools down. Although at first appear to disassemble everything and continuing to be a cold and frothy mixture really nice full-bodied, no worries!
So I weigh about 225 grams, the rest in the freezer for another, and when cold add the first well with a whisk the mascarpone and then with a spatula and not too aggressive moves from bottom to top the whipped cream (I have mounted a little too little and the cream has come a little too runny: Mass enough with the bag takes the form served on the plate but tended to let themselves go a bit too) and put a moment in the refrigerator covered until you're ready for the rest. Put on the coffee, and in the meantime, prepare the sugar solution, simply bring it to boil at a temperature of 85 °. Mix the right dose at the cafe and let the syrup thus obtained is cooled down a bit.

Now assemble the cake: it's really hard work will be holding off the treacherous attacks of the family - in my case, the monkey was worse than a ninja - they will try to sink all the way fingerprints or slapping the gorgeous cream. If you do then you should at least use the excuse that you can check to see if there was no sugar: P but the 5th control you will not be very credible: P
Beat the cake and then we said, starting with a nice layer of ladyfingers soaked well, a generous cream, biscuits and so on then (I did in all four layers, but depends on the container you use), making sure to finish with the cream, which I recommend habit of putting the bag.
Let it sit for a few hours and sprinkle cocoa just before serving.

And here's the result:)

Having to wait for a few hours destroyed psicolgicamente the monkey after poor waited next to me all the time almost without stealing paw cream .. Since I was tenderness, with the cream leccapentola pulled away with a few advanced Savoy and a bit of advanced wet, I did minicoppetta one just for her ^ ^

I must admit that is really good and it is not cloying as I thought preparing.
Now I leave, I have to go to the difficult task of finishing the last part! :)


Monday, November 1, 2010

Fotografias De Hanna Montana

L. Yarrow of polenta with mushrooms

Hello Dear! How are you going these gloomy days of rest? You, too, as we pamper you with hot chocolate, roasted chestnuts and dishes?
In our area of \u200b\u200bFriuli, for example, during this time you eat the beans of Trieste, chimeras also beans of the dead for the period in which it is consumed. They are candy almond flour, sugar and egg white, almost like small meringues, and delicious! I tried this the other week but we forgot to take pictures ... And now they are beautiful and finished .. eh, it will be belittling, a drama! ^ ^ Also in these days then I embarked in an effort to make the marron glaces, hopefully good .. should be ready tomorrow! Today I leave
un'ideuzza swiped at a restaurant in the Piedmont mountain view in the kitchens of Italian program at GRC.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe chef in question has been to blend traditional ingredients such as polenta, porcini mushrooms and cheese from pasture in a more modern context.
So he created the puff of polenta and mushrooms.

Now, if you do not have fresh porcini mushrooms (which contribute in an important way to make the delicious dish) you can use me as the common mushrooms. Only advice, if you buy them cultivated varieties take the brown, not white. Personally, but I am not alone, I find brown ones have more flavor.
The recipe is quick, put on polenta (if you use those 'things' pre-cooked supermarket ready in 5 minutes ok, but as you say which are the same is not true, change!) and when it is almost ready, mix the vegetables mushrooms with a little oil, a clove of garlic salt and pepper jacketed. Pretty good for mushrooms or cultivated mushrooms only takes a few minutes cotttura usually time they throw out that little water and are ready. Do not dry them too! Ready mantechiamola
polenta with a good cheese flavor of the mountains, if cows eat pasture will feel, trust me! ^ ^ I firmly believe that the mountain cheeses are among the most delicious cheeses. add cheese to the polenta cubes, and stir well until it will mix well together. Then, using a pastry rings, alternating Serve a layer of polenta with a layer of mushrooms and their sauce, and continue so for some strata. If you want to serve as an appetizer I recommend, instead of a normal pastry rings, to use one more baby, maybe pa pastry QUESTIONS Search more children, because it is quite good as 'filling' ^ ^
Enjoy, and see you soon!