What agony.
I have no other words to describe the perverse obstinacy against copyright and related rules.
not want to incite anyone, or push the revolution and / or illegality, but there is a limit to everything. Either we should be.
When YouTube was for me a kind of guide in the dark and endless musical meanderings around the world. I listened to hundreds, thousands of songs on YouTube, I sometimes played entire CD, diligently searching out a track after another. How could I (really:
like? ) to discover the Ulytau, Kazakh folk group?
Who can think that I come from Saturn, I put wandered aimlessly through the CD and choose to buy one of a group never heard of Kazakhstan? Ahem, on second thought, the problem would not arise because most probably from Saturn
not find it at all Ulytau of the CD. Not to mention
CDs that I went to buy, after listening to the tracks on YouTube and have decided that I wanted to spend that money to have those songs available to me.
Since record companies have been so bitter to fade away all the videos that have content they own music has become a chore. Now for every song that I can listen I can find three that are censored. Absurd! What should I do, they say, go buy every CD that hits the market because maybe I might like? But who can consider a likely scenario of this kind? As if YouTube were not even pubbici
for them! The result is that I do not buy more CDs for a while, who knows who is who has won? Neither I nor the artist or the record company that eats at me and the artist. Stroke of genius, really. So think
to combat piracy? Censoring YouTube? But who does the "pirate" of trade is not at all interested in the songs, but only to "pirate" CD can to sell more and earn! Here: that there will continue to do so, because it certainly does not go to download songs from YouTube. But I, who listened to music for pleasure and also to select songs and make choices, I can not do anymore.
the same thing is happening with books. Now that we are spreading the e-book publishers are in a panic:
OMMIODDIO! Pirates scrub our material from the network, what shameful, bad bad pirates, paid the fine and go to jail! But those who download a book for leggerselo (or ten books) is that when you set foot in a bookstore empty your wallet. Pursuing such a person is really stupid.
is a bit 'as the controls at the airport: the poor bastards will have to strip half are forced to queue for hours to pass through a metal detector and bearing absurd restrictions on hand luggage, but who really wants to be on a plane with a bomb, he can not.
But these eminent gentlemen have evidently decided that we need the iron fist
, who must impose their own rules, sgarra that those who must pay, and so on. I have the impression that people who consider music and writing simply the goods should have the right to speak on the subject, let alone make decisions of this caliber. You can not always save everything, no matter what, we humans are so much more! But maybe now I'm going over. Or maybe I'm not going quite as well, and all these people out of 1984 and has the express purpose of demonizing the spread of culture and free thought.
However now you know why I can not update the playlist for months: each time I start to prepare a new one, I can never squeeze the titles I want, because its videos have been removed. I personally find it very sad.