Ragazzuoli Hello! How is that saying? A desperate times call for desperate measures? Well, from a month in this part I have jaw problems: rather, I have always had, but a month in this part are locked in the sense that I no longer open his mouth more than 2.5 cm. No big deal, just avoid eating eat the same things hard, and leavened them to do small pieces or mash them, and anyway the problem will end towards the end of March thanks to a small operazioncina But ... but .. Come on, let's face it: the good of leavened and open his mouth and bites to eat something heavy like a big apple but soft as a cloud! And because I could not do a little 'taken off the urge to cook, I decided to use my last resort: another meeting with Mrs. Puff. The first time I tried it was almost a disaster, has sorely tested my patience and marked a part of me, that since that time has always viewed with awe. But now, even yesterday, it's time to try again.
View the latest passion for the freezer I decided to do more, portion and freeze it, so I made almost two pounds. Unfortunately, I was so smitten by Ape good in doing it thanks to the wonderful recipe found on Peccati di Gola (Montersino docet) that I forgot to take pictures, then you place your video directly. (Video 2 / 3 and 3 / 3 can be found always on youtube)
This time apart from the casino to try to mix the butter with the flour without a global, everything went smoothly. That will certainly have improved since the last time I had tried, but still remain convinced that this explains divinely, and usually many pastry chefs on TV or in books seem to assume that sometimes following them is an ordinary mortal and not a business ..
Sfoghino apart, after all this work I could not do anything with the pastry, so the idea: we do Allumettes! View the recipe on the Cassata Celiac blog at this address, I could not
resist! I remembered that as a child or brush packs up packs almost like a biblical locust, and the idea of \u200b\u200bdoing with my hands like a little kindness I have not teased, so I threw. Having misread his post, I missed the first batch of cooking .. "Montersino suggests no more than cook at 170 degrees for 15-20 minutes," I read this rifiondato in the kitchen and go! Too bad .. then continued: "The first dish I cooked it and most importantly a fan oven disastto .. A!" Yu-hoo! Bon, at least the second dish was decent saved (although this morning is over already: P).
However, apart from the inconvenience of the temperature, the recipe is really worth: apart from the aesthetic in my case, they are better people than you buy them!
Now I greet you, I advanced the frangipane cream and go to find something to us ..

Here they are ... does not seem quite so visually appealing, but I assure you win the first bite!

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