Sunday, January 30, 2011

How Do You Make Cake Boss Fondant

The Legend Of Merla

long, long time ago in Milan there was a very hard winter.
The snow fell from the sky and covered the whole city, the streets, the gardens.

Under the eaves of a building in Porta Nuova was a nest inhabited by a family of blackbirds. There were Merla
mom, dad and three little merlottini Merlo, born after the summer.

At that time, the blackbirds had feathers white as snow!

The little family was suffering from cold and struggled to find some crumbs of bread to eat, because the few crumbs that fell to the ground from the tables of men were now covered with snow coming down from heaven. After a few days

Merlo dad made a decision and told mom Merla:
"Here there is nothing to eat, if this continues all die of hunger and cold. I have an idea: Moving on the roof of the building, next to fireplace. I'm leaving and going to look for food where the snow yet arrived, and until I get back you stay warm. "

Go for it: Mom and Dad Merlo took the nest near the fireplace and dad left. The mother and the little birds were in the nest all day and smoke I went out every day by the fireplace warms them.

After three days returned and almost Merlo Dad could no longer recognize his family, because the smoke issuing from the chimney was painted black all the feathers of the birds!
The day after cold loosened its grip on the city battlements and managed to get safely to the spring.

From that day all the blackbirds are born with black feathers.

Following this, the last three days of January are known: the days of the blackbird.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Leimo Reviews Does It Work

We'll miss you ..

There are no words for an addition to it's temporary. Do not exist, and there is no need. Now at least you're not as bad, though, perhaps selfishly, we'll miss.
There are dogs better than others, but you were single, never thought possible so fond of having you only known for 5 years .. You were lucky to go 11 in a family like that of Julia, who loved you so much, and they were lucky to share the journey with you. Good rest

Friday, January 28, 2011

Best Ventage Stereo Receiver

Wear the old coat and buy the new book [Austin Phelps]

As promised, here is a post to talk about my reading in January. The pace will slow down, because time is running, but it was nice while it lasted. And, of course, there are between seasons, but that's another story.

* GH *

The book that has had the honor of being the first of 2011 was "Mini Shopaholic" of Sophie Kinsella. A committed and deep reading, short * & irony sarcasm *. Every now and then you also need to lighten the gray matter and relax the synapse.
And Becky Bloom, star of the "Shopaholic" is always her, tender and sentimental, able to rip many smiles. He lives in his world, becomes one billion movie in my head, troublemaker and invented stories as I could to stick to the reality of his imagination. An unrepentant clumsy, but it's all in good faith and always have happy people he loves. And the saga continues ... Soon after I read

"The Passage" of Justin Cronin.
I bought at the airport before Christmas, I could not resist the review reported on the cover: By the third chapter, Was trash piling up in our house because i was too scared to take out the garbage at night. - Ron Charles, The Washington Post [trad.: Already the third chapter was a mountain of garbage accumulated at home because I was too afraid to leave their homes at night to take her out].
Actually personally I have not found so frightening. And secret government experiments in search of the gun end fine novels I've read. Despite this, the 879 pages are very light. At all times it was extremely difficult decision to close the book, any time it was and whatever he called commitment.
beginning, the story takes place rapidly and reaches the that looks like a conclusion and you wonder, And now, what will happen? It's happened all over and we're only on page 250! Then the chapter after attacks, and the next, and the next ... and things continue to happen, remaining glued to the story because the pace does not really ever haul. Whenever you feel you have reached the terminus, within half a chapter you realize that it was just one stop. To arrive at the right moment in which everything is questioned and then demand changes and you wonder, But how can end it all in twenty pages?!
The secret government experiment that aims to create the final weapon is called NOAH. It was found that being the human gland, responsible for the physical growth stops working reached the age of maturity. That's because it starts the process of aging, which leads inevitably to death. The purpose of the experiment is to make that up and running even in the gland Subjects adults, so as to prolong their lives by improving their physical performance. There is need of "volunteers", or people who freely give their consent before a simple choice. Usually things go like this: Dear Tom . You are sentenced to death and the day after tomorrow you will be given lethal injection. But if you come with us and let us use you as guinea pigs in our laboratory for a scientific experiment which can not of course say anything, then you have guaranteed amnesty. What? Here recruited twelve volunteers. The thirteenth is a girl (who gets kidnapped) and is also the only one that reacts in the manner expected. All others are transformed into immortal beings, very strong, very tall, very ugly, not riesocno to curb the urge to jump on people to worry. Can not stand the light of day, then come out only at night. If the person bitten is not torn and survives, becomes in turn. A
tell it seems the umpteenth found in vampire style and / or werewolves. In fact, the history and evolution of the characters and their vicissitudes is managed very well, which is in no way spontaneously think of vampires / werewolves while reading. The child is the key to resolve the tragic situation in which humanity falls when the twelve subjects used for the experiment can escape. A reading that does not get bored.

It changes style with "Counting Stars" of David Almond. Not the kind of book I read as normal, but I can not say that I regret. This is a collection of stories and family anecdotes, narrated and seen through the eyes of a child who understands and believes and sees only a part of reality and trying to grow but not too much. Tender and delicate, simple as they are simple things for children.

Then it was the turn of "Moufletto and The Endless Forest" of Joan and Donald Lapadula Corrias Lucente, fun and very short children's book. The Moufletto is a mysterious animal that seeks playmates, but nobody knows what it is, not even him. Funny story, written in very simple and unpretentious, is a pleasure to read for children who have just started reading alone.

fifth book of 2011: "The City of Dreaming Books" of Walter Moers. But how beautiful
Librandi? A city that lives and breathes books and reading, where each store has on display books, paper, bookmarks, pens, notebooks ... where recreational and daily activities include group readings around the fire, recitation of poems, where premises are open all night to help readers "of the early hours" to always find a comfortable niche. There are also strange creatures and dangerous secrets, and they are the ones that the protagonist - a dinosaur from the name of Ildefonso De Strong Vermicchio Sventramitis - will reveal through a dangerous and avventurosissimo journey in the catacombs under the city. It is a very funny novel and, in some observations about writing, writers and publishers, definitely very fresh!

was then the turn of "The Journey of the Witch Girl " of Celia Rees, quickly followed by " If I Were a Witch " .
In the first book follows the story of Mary, a girl whose grandmother is arrested and convicted witchcraft in England in 1600. The child then embarks with a community of Puritans sailing to America. travel and settle with them, but has a different spirit that makes you appreciate the natives and the nature that surrounds them. Mary is a young girl grows up and independent and autonomous, and this bothers a lot of the community leaders, who insist to seek (and find) the evil and Satan in every little thing. When the word "witch" has started to bounce from side of the village, Mary already understand how it will end, but luckily it has friends.
"If I Were a Witch" is the sequel to "The Journey of Witch Girls" and is set to today. A student of Indian origin
reads documents and makes dreams that pretend to be somehow linked to Mary that is said in the first book. Thanks to the capabilities of its shamanistic grandmother lives on the salient episodes in the life of Mary, who suffered the end of Native American tribes at the hands of the Europeans.
Overall, the two books cover the life of the early Europeans transplanted to America at the expense of native people, convicted for the mere fact of its existence and to be different. The religious of the time there are a good figure, but not the adventurers and the Europeans who had faced the trip just to make a fortune. And there's a fine figure even the Indians, unable to unite against the common enemy. In conclusion, the bitter conclusion is that, for whatever reasons and ideologies each is believed better than the others and ended up not winning the best, but only the strongest.

A brilliant and really fun reading the book was number eight in 2011: "Beastly" of Alex Flinn. It begins with an exhilarating
chat in a forum reserved a support group for processing. Participants in the chat are the Beast, The Frog Prince, The Man Bear and a siren that is considering swapping her voice in exchange for a pair of legs to win his true love. If these characters are familiar, we have been right: they are the ones!
The novel follows the story of the Beast and is set in modern-day New York where the young son of a famous TV presenter is obsessed by money from physical and, considering the only values \u200b\u200bworthy of note in the world. Until, of course, a witch turns him into a monster and promises that the spell will be broken only if a girl will love him and give him a kiss to seal the feeling exactly two years later. Very funny and well treated the transposition of the story.

The following two books are my heroine Robin Hobb! After having chosen "The Liveship Traders Trilogy" one of the most exciting readings I've ever done, I could not miss the following: "The Chronicles Rainwild" . This is another trilogy, which remains incomplete at the time. The first book is titled "The Dragon Keeper" and the second "Dragon Haven" . We are in the mysterious and fascinating land crossed by the Rain Wild River, the river water is so acidic that no vessel is hard to long, unless it is built with what everyone calls Wizardwood , a magical properties of the wood used to produce ships in a position to buy awareness, consciousness and personality. Behind this Wizardwood , but there are some secrets that the people of Wild Rain has come to know and that has to do with the population of the Dragons. And the Dragons star in this sequel: assisted by a bunch of young outcasts, embark on the journey to the mysterious city of Kelsingra, where they hope to be able to establish themselves and restore the luster to the family of dragons, the importance and respect it once had.

Soon after I granted a brief reading off topic with the text "Losing weight Eating" of Patrick Holford. Accalcatevi not and do not worry: our not reveal anything that we did not know already. But speaking of fiber called glucomannan as an effective support in weight loss. Try it.

The last book I finished in January "Harpy's Flight" of Megan Lindholm. Megan Lindholm's real name is Robin Hobb and "Harpy's Flight" is one of his early novels.
I liked it, I really liked and I liked everything. I can not decide between what the setting, the main character, creatures, traditions of the peoples ... I have conquered. Probably all of these things and the whole. A fine novel, well built between the present and flashbacks that tell us everything we need to know without getting bored and not "know" little lesson. With my great disappointment and extreme desperation, I discovered that "Harpy's Flight" is the first of four novels, which is currently not available because it reprint. I'm still deciding whether to search for used or pre-order on amazon.

I currently have in your hands "Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom" of Cory Doctorow, my thirteenth year reading and looking good!


Message To Write In Book For Baby


Emily Dickinson [1830 - 1886]

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Dickies Vs Carhartt Coverall

... She Became The Girl From Nowhere

It's funny, you know? This last month has passed without my being I wanted to write.
's not that I lacked ideas. Maybe a little 'I lacked the time between disease relapses, stiff neck, baby events "outside" unpleasant to be reckoned with, open day at school, extra classes for violin ... but basically I did not really want to put myself in front the keyboard (or a sheet of paper) to write.

I was a victim of the famous writer's block "?

For me this is an expression of fun, actually hides something that many take damn seriously:
- worry about this issue ( Oh, mein Gott! But what happens to me? I'm in front of this blank page for half day, then two lines going down and they suck, I have to cancel! Me miserable! Me wretched! ... etc.).
- he angered ( And now what will become of me?! )
- seek solutions to their "problem" (seriously: there are flowers of web pages, type I 1001 ways to overcome writer's block! ).

As usual, I like to swim against the tide. So I wonder:

The writer's block exist? And, if it exists, is really a problem?

Now, the first point: to consider the possibility of being hit from writer's block must be a writer . Before the audience

squabble, squabbling and decides to guillotine: no, I do not think that only people like Ken Follett or Stephen King, writing craft (read: Campania with the proceeds of their writings) are considered writers.

fact, to want to look at the hairs, let us ask: is enough from their books to earn enough money to live, to be writers? Alas, I think so!
If I earn my bread by adjusting valves and pipes, to all intents and purposes I can call myself a plumber.
If I prepare to eat and people pay them because I fill the pot, I'll be a cook, regardless of the fact that my kitchen is from Michelin or snack along Mexican Highway.
Ergo: yes. Even if you write ciofeche, if you earn enough to live you're a writer.

And if you do not earn enough for a living? Ah, the problems posed by the magical field of art!
A writer is someone who basically writes. The eleven year old girl locked in room to write a story that mixes the Winx Barbapapa is a writer. But can one speak of writer's block?

You know, the funny thing is that they are convinced that the writer's block can legitimately hit the girl of eleven, rather than Stephen King. Because the girl writes following the inspiration of the moment: if inspiration fails, it writes and gets to play with Barbie or he goes for a bike ride with friends.
Stephen King, inspiration or no, he writes, however: it is his job. When you've written all my life millemila novels and short stories, you do not really need inspiration to write something. You have the technology, experience, know the tricks, recycle, remodel ... In short, write the same.

Personally I feel a little 'in between the two worlds. I do not make a living by what I write, but writing is one of my works. I
the mother, the housekeeper, homework help, and do repetitions, I teach Italian to German, I read stories to children and do translations from English and German. And I write stories for fun, and children's books that are published. I need to write three things: inspiration, desire and time.
are a possible victim of writer's block? I think so.
past month I have been afflicted by this terrible disease? I think not. I missed the inspiration, in fact I even designed the shreds of a new story. I had a lot of time and had no desire at all. The inspiration is essential, but not all. That's it.

And in my opinion, however, if one is not Stephen King and not the inspiration, he would do his best not to strive. The world will live as well (or better: much better) without a reduction in chip trees and other dirty stuff written on sheets of paper for strength .

So, not to unnecessarily struciolare trees, in the last month, faithful to the dictates of my personal, I did not write. I have read. (Apart from all the other things I've listed a few paragraphs more on lovingly, of course).
I read a lot 'and I decided to dedicate some posts to tell us something about the books I read. Stay tuned!

Sleh 00030 Drivers Vista

But some dreams are like stars

- Hey, little guy! Wake up, it's already 7:30!
- Uhmpf! Sgnèk!
- Come on, get up!
- Offi, Mom! It is not right and you was dreaming You woke me up!
- Oh, sorry ... And what were you dreaming?
- Uh, I dreamed that my grandparents had a second dog, as well as Camilla. Camilla's just that I did a lot of parties, but the other dog was big and black and did not want me around! I was scared!
- Well, but then I was right to wake up!
- But no, what you say! Dreams do not stop this!

- Buongiorno, a man of my life! Time to get up!
- Uhmpf! Sgrunt!
- Standing, lazy! You said that you accompany your little one to school this morning!
- Yes, well ... But it was last night.
- 'MBE? The school is in the morning, it's not a novelty!
- Ugh, I was dreaming!
- Oh, but look. You too? And what were you dreaming?
- Eh, I was in office.
- In the office?
- Yes, but in Italy. And a colleague of mine I was talking about. And you woke me!
- and you'll understand. It is a wonderful dream that was not it? Talking with colleagues in the office. Bah!
- Do not you see, is the concept: one does not stop talking. O while dreaming!


- Of course you are all weird, huh. The little guy is complaining because I woke up from a dream in which there was a big, black dog that's scary. You are you complaining because I woke up from a dream insipid chatter in the office. And I, what can I say, then? The alarm clock rang in the middle of my first day working in an office layer, with hanging gardens and terraces and plasma screens in the recreation rooms and my only direct link was Orlando Bloom!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Rhino Shield Paint Reviews

And 'The voice died

may not know, but Moreno and I are very passionate Doctor's House, MD, and each time they are transmitted to new bets are glued to the screens.
Dr. House is a historical character, characteristic, which will be indelibly imprinted in my mind and that, despite being a bastard, you can not help but love. This love is also due to the skill of the voice actor, of course. A nice dubbing, I think, makes a good movie or a good TV series great, especially here in Italy, where, without modesty, I think we have the best voice actors in the world.
It 'obvious that when you follow a TV series from years you are the instinctive association of the voice to the character ... so it's a tragedy when the voice actor was changed.
Friday of the week past, as we watched Dr. House could not help but feel "wrong" the new voice actor (Luca Biagini) of the character much loved by us. We asked several times why the hell they had changed ... when, before the closing credits, has appeared on the screen the dedication "To SERGIO.
It has crept in us the suspicion that the voice of Dr. House was dead ... and it is this: Sergio Stefano has died aged 71 of heart attack September 17, 2010: great actor before theater and then television , has also lent her voice to many faces of Hollywood: Hugh Laurie (Dr. House), of course, but Christopher Lambert in Highlander, The Untouchables Kevin Costner and many others.
How sad ... we just can not help but associate the voice of Dr. House and now he's dead will never be the same. Let us remember at his best ... I leave you with a bit 'of irony, how ironic was the last person who has dubbed:

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Substitute Eggs For Patties


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Gay Sauna Richmond Vq

Tales epiphany and birthday

January for us is always a very busy month, and this year it was much more than other years!
Earlier this month I was busy writing the "Commission" means Maia Monzani fact, the actress who always reads the presentations of my novel, he wanted I wrote two stories for the children to read Ubik to January 6, Library of Gorizia. With the staff of Ubik and Maia are closely linked by a couple of years now because I have very much supported and promoted my book with all the means available to them (my first presentation I did there !), so I was glad to be back in the game, this time as a writer of fairy tales for little children.

Above you can see what it looked like the Ubik that day.

To be modest, the 'event' was a hit! The library, though not great, was crowded with people, and children have given me a great deal of satisfaction because, as enraptured, listening to my stories out of the mouth of Maia and laughing at times when, writing stories, I imagined that they would laugh .

Here is a picture taken during the fairy tales: see Maia from the right dressed as a witch, Francesca (a girl who helped us during the last story) and me, behind the drawings.

E 'was very nice and I also enjoyed, because I had to stay on the side of Maia and show the drawings that my mother (a kindergarten teacher) had to accompany his stories.

Francesca Maia and in a moment of hilarity.

A few days later, another "event": my birthday! ^ ^ That's right, on Monday I turned 23 years old. To celebrate, the day before we went with our friends Deborah and Daniel to dinner at a restaurant that we discovered recently: the Giddy Up Diner, decorated in '50s style, with fascinating juke box where they serve sandwiches and cakes working American. I tried the mud cake ... a delight!

The Giddy Up Diner seen from outside.

On this occasion I wanted to try a trick a bit 'different than usual, a bit' in the '50s to be with the local theme, and put my beloved sailor ...

I just love this lipstick! It made me feel a real diva! (Sorry the pictures move but it was really the only decent)

this fantastic juke box, right?

I must say, however, that I feel to be older than one year. Perhaps because they are not changed much in 2010 ...
... or maybe tiramisu kindly made by Moreno (for cake) with decoration that perhaps the child would call more but I would say ... well ... carinaaaaa! ^ ^

I leave you with pictures of the tiramisu, of about 2 kg in total, for the record that was really delicious!


Saturday, January 1, 2011

South Parkstreamingmobile

There None? There!

Ragassuoli Hello! Like every year New Year harvest for Monkey and me, romantic dinner by candlelight I, she and Julie (the big dog of the family), good wine and good cocktails, and singing competitions in his melodious voice and my chime with vocal cords. This year the time has flown, midnight arrived in a flash and yet I can not explain how he does .. I remember the balls, when I was a kid and I went out with friends, midnight at times seemed never to arrive!
you place the photos of the dinner, and I refer you to for a little bit of the recipes!
Congratulations to all of you for a wonderful 2011!

Here's the couple! We are beautiful and romantic, eh? ^ ^

A particular set table, the cutlery and the service good .. you know, the ones that are pulled out once every two years or so! ^ ^

Here's a starter: Chinese dumplings steamed with soy sauce, balsamic . I can not say that they are still
as those used for Chinese restaurants, but I'm getting close ..

The first course was a good truffle risotto with fresh mushrooms in brandy .
Nothing too strong, I love truffles but when its flavor is too strong can tend to 'disgust' s a bit, so I was very delicate. And because the eye wants its part to make a classic risotto à la mode was enough Serve with a pastry rings and give it to a cap wafer of Parmesan cheese.

are particularly proud of this dish, created from scratch without having to follow recipe. This is

crispy cubes of pork sausage on eggnog ice cream and salty lentil.
The sausage was fine with good warm zabaglione, and the cold ice cream (not sweet) took away a bit 'fat sausage in addition to the classic trick hot and cold. Very good, and if I say so! ^ ^ Last

dessert. What to do when looking for a strawberry and does not find them? But simple,
buy two fruits at random, never before seen and which you do not know flavor!
The fruit in question are these two below, the red and Pithaia kiwano.

This latest beauty, kiwano, besides containing plenty of vitamin C has a taste 'of the lemon and banana'. How on earth use it?

The answer was a tiramisu! In this case
Cup Tiramisu Champagne, Pithaia kiwano and citrus.
too good, too bad the wrong doses and you have made the cups condo)
That resulted in having to eat half hours and finish them today ..

hope that you all had a good new year you too, wish you a
Fantastic 2011!