's not that I lacked ideas. Maybe a little 'I lacked the time between disease relapses, stiff neck, baby events "outside" unpleasant to be reckoned with, open day at school, extra classes for violin ... but basically I did not really want to put myself in front the keyboard (or a sheet of paper) to write.
I was a victim of the famous writer's block "?
For me this is an expression of fun, actually hides something that many take damn seriously:
- worry about this issue ( Oh, mein Gott! But what happens to me? I'm in front of this blank page for half day, then two lines going down and they suck, I have to cancel! Me miserable! Me wretched! ... etc.).
- he angered ( And now what will become of me?! )
- seek solutions to their "problem" (seriously: there are flowers of web pages, type I 1001 ways to overcome writer's block! ).
As usual, I like to swim against the tide. So I wonder:
The writer's block exist? And, if it exists, is really a problem?
Now, the first point: to consider the possibility of being hit from writer's block must be a writer . Before the audience
squabble, squabbling and decides to guillotine: no, I do not think that only people like Ken Follett or Stephen King, writing craft (read: Campania with the proceeds of their writings) are considered writers.
fact, to want to look at the hairs, let us ask: is enough from their books to earn enough money to live, to be writers? Alas, I think so!
If I earn my bread by adjusting valves and pipes, to all intents and purposes I can call myself a plumber.
If I prepare to eat and people pay them because I fill the pot, I'll be a cook, regardless of the fact that my kitchen is from Michelin or snack along Mexican Highway.
Ergo: yes. Even if you write ciofeche, if you earn enough to live you're a writer.
And if you do not earn enough for a living? Ah, the problems posed by the magical field of art!
A writer is someone who basically writes. The eleven year old girl locked in room to write a story that mixes the Winx Barbapapa is a writer. But can one speak of writer's block?
You know, the funny thing is that they are convinced that the writer's block can legitimately hit the girl of eleven, rather than Stephen King. Because the girl writes following the inspiration of the moment: if inspiration fails, it writes and gets to play with Barbie or he goes for a bike ride with friends.
Stephen King, inspiration or no, he writes, however: it is his job. When you've written all my life millemila novels and short stories, you do not really need inspiration to write something. You have the technology, experience, know the tricks, recycle, remodel ... In short, write the same.
Personally I feel a little 'in between the two worlds. I do not make a living by what I write, but writing is one of my works. I
the mother, the housekeeper, homework help, and do repetitions, I teach Italian to German, I read stories to children and do translations from English and German. And I write stories for fun, and children's books that are published. I need to write three things: inspiration, desire and time.
are a possible victim of writer's block? I think so.
past month I have been afflicted by this terrible disease? I think not. I missed the inspiration, in fact I even designed the shreds of a new story. I had a lot of time and had no desire at all. The inspiration is essential, but not all. That's it.
And in my opinion, however, if one is not Stephen King and not the inspiration, he would do his best not to strive. The world will live as well (or better: much better) without a reduction in chip trees and other dirty stuff written on sheets of paper for strength .
So, not to unnecessarily struciolare trees, in the last month, faithful to the dictates of my personal, I did not write. I have read. (Apart from all the other things I've listed a few paragraphs more on lovingly, of course).
I read a lot 'and I decided to dedicate some posts to tell us something about the books I read. Stay tuned!
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