Hello Dear! I leave you with this 'sweet' wish to enjoy a good party, especially party close to those you love and loves you! Big hugs!
yule logs
for biscuit
4 eggs 1.5 dl
marzipan 150 g 50 g sugar 75 g flour
for the custard: 4 egg
vanilla (in berry, I please! ^ ^)
100 g caster sugar 3.5 dl
whole milk 35 g flour (I used the cake, "stretched" with starch)
For decoration
250 ml fresh cream 15 g sugar 15 g cocoa icing
marron glaces
Whip the cream with electric whips. Since we are in winter, let us help! I first started out I put the pot on the balcony for the dough: in doing so I have a cold and high-sided container to mount my cream, chilled of course:)
When the cream begins to thicken add the dry powdered sugar and cocoa then covered with plastic mettimola it in the refrigerator.
continue separating yolks and whites. Preheat the oven to 180 °, the marzipan chopped in a bowl and ammorbidiamolo a water bath. If you're lazy like me, and weighing ingredients, put the last two minutes in the oven, just be careful that if you leave it too dry and then above that the container becomes very hot.
Knead with a spatula and when smooth with a hand whisk. Add one egg at a time, then a few spoon always beating the egg whites, flour and finally the egg whites with remaining sugar, and always with a spatula from the bottom up. Line a plate with parchment paper, and with a spatula (or especially if you're in the mood to make a cool pocket pastry and smooth nozzle, making lots of strips one next to another) roll out the dough evenly and Drive them into the oven 10 minutes. While chefs prepare a dish towel, preferably cotton and undyed or washed with detergent or another, and moisten. When you pull out the pan upside down and lie down on the canvas on the floor from all the work then you should have the parchment paper that looks at you. Detach slowly, taking care not to damage the biscuit, then roll all the cloth, so that there is more tissue between 'layers' of the biscuit. I apologize, but it is much easier than it makes it seem my description!
now prepared pastry cream, whipped egg yolks with flour and sugar and milk, which contained the seeds of vanilla to the boil, then pour a shot of hot milk into the bowl of eggs, stirring to dissolve the heat, then turn around the egg mixture into the saucepan of milk. Stir well to avoid lumps until it thickens well.
to cool before you spread it on a baking sheet with spatula.
unwind the base, the elongated alchermes with a few tablespoons of water and moisten, then roll out an even layer of pastry cream, crumble over two or three marron glaces and rolled the whole. Now this beautiful salsiccione
Cut into three pieces, one long and two short, with two parallel and diagonal cuts.
Compose your trunk combining the three pieces, a better idea is to put the short piece with a straight side and one next to the main diagonal, creating a branch, and remaining above the root, creating a platform upon which to put the decorations.
If you opt for this choice do not like me, that I realized after the fact that the log it created was too high to be among the shelves of the refrigerator ... sigh!
However, your body consists of (re) take a pastry bag and star nozzle, or the narrow, serrated on one side that I have no idea how to call it, decorated with cream now pretty stable your sweet , simulating the grain of the wood. Some are good to roll with the spatula and then give the idea of \u200b\u200bthe cortex passing over the prongs of a fork. What matters, ultimately, is to have fun!
Finish the decoration as best suits you, if you are tired you can for example make small meringues with the whites and create advanced mushrooms, or use chocolate figure .. Sbizzarritevi and above all,
Bon appetit!
And happy holidays!
PS: If you have children who eat it, like us, you can replace the syrup with the fruit (in our case to two tablespoons of sour cherry syrup, a sugar solution of 70% and a little water). Keep one account to eat soon because the cream in contact with the fruit can become acidic.