Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Restaurants That Are Purposely Rude

Ouch! Krampus a leg!

The weekend just past was pleasantly full, we usually prefer to laze on the sofa and, at most, cook some sweets. By the time it is affecting quite a while 'for weeks, then, who would want to go out? Does nothing but rain!
Sunday, December 5, however, we are persuaded by Deborah and Daniel, two of our friends who have already experienced here, and we jumped in the car to reach Tarvisio, where we saw for the first time the Krampus.
What are the Krampus, you say?
E 'old tradition accompanied by many legends, the most famous is this:
Many years ago, during periods of famine, the boys of the villages dressed up with goat skins, horns and hideous masks to avoid being recognized by their fellow countrymen, in this way could scare the inhabitants of nearby villages to steal the supplies necessary to pass the hard, cold winter Friuli.
Soon, though, the boys noticed that among them there was an intruder: the Devil himself, who, taking advantage of his terrifying face, had infiltrated among them and was recognizable only by the hoof of goat that was in place feet. To exorcise the malign presence was named a bishop, Nicholas (or St. Nicholas) who defeated the devil.
Since then every year the kids dress up as a devil, and continue to visit the surrounding villages, not for plunder, but to bring gifts, accompanying the bishop and saint who had defeated the evil. Thus was born the tradition of the feast of St. Nicholas and Krampus.
This festival is not typical only of Tarvisio, Val Canale Friuli, but is also found in South Tyrol and the rest of Europe, Slovenia and German-speaking areas such as, for example, Bavaria and Tyrol.
Personally I had never seen the Krampus, even if it is a tradition in my region, so I was happy exit.
As soon as we arrived in Tarvisio we were catapulted into a magical world, only made of snow and tales, populated by these horrific creatures that, was wondering if you were good, or just not saying anything, I whipped quietly.
If I may speak my mind, the most beautiful part of the evening, the one that really touched me was when we took refuge in a cafe to warm up with hot chocolate. In the table we were seated next to the local children with parents in the bar suddenly entered a Krampus in all its awful height and approached the children's table. The little ones cried from fear and even the older ones seemed to shock ... then the Krampus was made by and entered San Nicolò. Older children were thrown kneeling on the ground and, in the order of "saint", began to recite the Lord's Prayer in unison. Then the Krampus has pulled out of her basket (the basket is a basket of wood, wicker or viburnum twisted shape of a truncated inverted cone, open at the top, used to transport various materials, and is carried on the shoulders) of bags containing candy, sweet bread and charcoal that has distributed to children ... and also to Deborah and me ^ ^ have been the most exciting thing that's occhidi girl kneeling in front of the "holy", such innocent eyes and clear, eyes shouting "Yes, I believe." I do not think I forget that look so fast.
If you want more information about the festival Tarvisio I recommend you take a look here : is the site of the Group of Krampus Tarvisio Centrale, very detailed and well done, where you can find pictures and videos of past years and other interesting things about tradition. Incidentally, the legend that I quoted above I took it from there. And now

Here we are, as beautiful as the sun spectacularly in a photo technique! Ok, ok, not the best, but it was a cool cat, it was hard to keep a steady hand while snapped! ^ ^ And then does the atmosphere!

Walking around in the street is this luminous figure, St. Nicholas, that brought a smile to children ..

Here an cheerfully beats that of a native Krampus Tarvisio .. even if she really
did not seem very happy ..

Krampus Here is another: the costumes were excellent, and see them turn in the dark so did
some effect:)

I do not say the cries of this child in a wheelchair when the hairy
suppose you saved the front ... But the mother did not protest, probably
from now on when he wants to be obeying the will say: if you fail to make good the name is Krampus!

is the stylish - and certainly self-produced-poster of the event:)

In the second location of the party we found waiting for food in addition to a nice snowfall ..

The bonfire they had prepared and has attracted little after all these , which have slowly gathered around in a circle ever closer to the warm Terga .. was a little strange to see all shot from behind the fire ^ ^

Here at last the descent from the mountain: suddenly began to light bonfires and torches, which have multiplied as they went down: dramatic is an understatement ..

Once we have on other pyres to light snow made for the Throne of St. Nicholas.
It was like being in a video-style metal Rob Zombie, really.

is finally ready for the holy to dispense forgiveness to poor kids ..

.. and the two guards on either side of the throne ...

then divolacci have met all the children to pray to the saint kneeling in the snow, waiting for its basket of candy. .

except too bad: here, at the sole discretion of pelosone, the boy was forced to lie down and 'swim' in the snow .. But you go to protest goes:)

.. some also had long hair fashion: P

We hope you enjoyed our story ... a greeting to all! Jul

& Mo


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