Well, more than love ... I would say germs. Tell me if you can peck a hell of intestinal flu in the holidays! I am already two days that I have, and I just hope it's not attached to Moreno who, bravely, I was still close.
From December 17 appears to a past century. Of that day any well-informed Italian only remember the tragedies on the roads, people forced to spend the night in the car, the inconvenience caused by the snow (well, I would say more than anything else from not be sufficiently prepared for snow ). But I remember just a great joy, that white and soft, childlike joy that rises in me that every time I fall a single staple. What can I say? The snow makes me happy and I can not help it. The fact that it is falling so close to the winter solstice has made the truly magical atmosphere.

Moreno That Friday evening and I went out to meet with Deborah and Daniel, let us greetings and exchange gifts at Christmas, and everything was so white and it was so nice to stay near the fireplace of the pub where we ate we just spent a nice evening.

The next day we woke up and opened the windows, we noticed that the snow was gone but, indeed, that beauty was increased! I could not resist from getting out of the house and take a walk to the center. The snow, as it were, transfigured everything. It makes everything so white, so silent, it seems that everything around you vibrate and crystallize in a soft moment that seems to last forever. Grades, all white, was beautiful:)

with us, you know, it does not snow often, if we are " lucky here Whitening once a year, and usually lasts so little that we can not even enjoy the magic. So it's a great event every time, a joy for everyone, young and old ... even if other parts of Italy, has caused great inconvenience.
We wish you all the beautiful festivities, you can pass in joy and love with whoever you you are and wherever you are. Jul
& Mo
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