Friday, December 24, 2010

How Long To Boil Italian Sausage

Merry Christmas!

Hello Dear! I leave you with this 'sweet' wish to enjoy a good party, especially party close to those you love and loves you! Big hugs!

yule logs


for biscuit

4 eggs 1.5 dl

marzipan 150 g 50 g sugar 75 g flour

for the custard: 4 egg

vanilla (in berry, I please! ^ ^)
100 g caster sugar 3.5 dl

whole milk 35 g flour (I used the cake, "stretched" with starch)

For decoration

250 ml fresh cream 15 g sugar 15 g cocoa icing

marron glaces

Whip the cream with electric whips. Since we are in winter, let us help! I first started out I put the pot on the balcony for the dough: in doing so I have a cold and high-sided container to mount my cream, chilled of course:)
When the cream begins to thicken add the dry powdered sugar and cocoa then covered with plastic mettimola it in the refrigerator.
continue separating yolks and whites. Preheat the oven to 180 °, the marzipan chopped in a bowl and ammorbidiamolo a water bath. If you're lazy like me, and weighing ingredients, put the last two minutes in the oven, just be careful that if you leave it too dry and then above that the container becomes very hot.
Knead with a spatula and when smooth with a hand whisk. Add one egg at a time, then a few spoon always beating the egg whites, flour and finally the egg whites with remaining sugar, and always with a spatula from the bottom up. Line a plate with parchment paper, and with a spatula (or especially if you're in the mood to make a cool pocket pastry and smooth nozzle, making lots of strips one next to another) roll out the dough evenly and Drive them into the oven 10 minutes. While chefs prepare a dish towel, preferably cotton and undyed or washed with detergent or another, and moisten. When you pull out the pan upside down and lie down on the canvas on the floor from all the work then you should have the parchment paper that looks at you. Detach slowly, taking care not to damage the biscuit, then roll all the cloth, so that there is more tissue between 'layers' of the biscuit. I apologize, but it is much easier than it makes it seem my description!
now prepared pastry cream, whipped egg yolks with flour and sugar and milk, which contained the seeds of vanilla to the boil, then pour a shot of hot milk into the bowl of eggs, stirring to dissolve the heat, then turn around the egg mixture into the saucepan of milk. Stir well to avoid lumps until it thickens well.
to cool before you spread it on a baking sheet with spatula.

unwind the base, the elongated alchermes with a few tablespoons of water and moisten, then roll out an even layer of pastry cream, crumble over two or three marron glaces and rolled the whole. Now this beautiful salsiccione
Cut into three pieces, one long and two short, with two parallel and diagonal cuts.
Compose your trunk combining the three pieces, a better idea is to put the short piece with a straight side and one next to the main diagonal, creating a branch, and remaining above the root, creating a platform upon which to put the decorations.
If you opt for this choice do not like me, that I realized after the fact that the log it created was too high to be among the shelves of the refrigerator ... sigh!
However, your body consists of (re) take a pastry bag and star nozzle, or the narrow, serrated on one side that I have no idea how to call it, decorated with cream now pretty stable your sweet , simulating the grain of the wood. Some are good to roll with the spatula and then give the idea of \u200b\u200bthe cortex passing over the prongs of a fork. What matters, ultimately, is to have fun!
Finish the decoration as best suits you, if you are tired you can for example make small meringues with the whites and create advanced mushrooms, or use chocolate figure .. Sbizzarritevi and above all,
Bon appetit!

And happy holidays!

PS: If you have children who eat it, like us, you can replace the syrup with the fruit (in our case to two tablespoons of sour cherry syrup, a sugar solution of 70% and a little water). Keep one account to eat soon because the cream in contact with the fruit can become acidic.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

List Of All Rare Pokemon On Pokemon Deluge

The snow, the holidays, so much love in the air

Well, more than love ... I would say germs. Tell me if you can peck a hell of intestinal flu in the holidays! I am already two days that I have, and I just hope it's not attached to Moreno who, bravely, I was still close.
From December 17 appears to a past century. Of that day any well-informed Italian only remember the tragedies on the roads, people forced to spend the night in the car, the inconvenience caused by the snow (well, I would say more than anything else from not be sufficiently prepared for snow ). But I remember just a great joy, that white and soft, childlike joy that rises in me that every time I fall a single staple. What can I say? The snow makes me happy and I can not help it. The fact that it is falling so close to the winter solstice has made the truly magical atmosphere.
Moreno That Friday evening and I went out to meet with Deborah and Daniel, let us greetings and exchange gifts at Christmas, and everything was so white and it was so nice to stay near the fireplace of the pub where we ate we just spent a nice evening.

The next day we woke up and opened the windows, we noticed that the snow was gone but, indeed, that beauty was increased! I could not resist from getting out of the house and take a walk to the center. The snow, as it were, transfigured everything. It makes everything so white, so silent, it seems that everything around you vibrate and crystallize in a soft moment that seems to last forever. Grades, all white, was beautiful:)

with us, you know, it does not snow often, if we are " lucky here Whitening once a year, and usually lasts so little that we can not even enjoy the magic. So it's a great event every time, a joy for everyone, young and old ... even if other parts of Italy, has caused great inconvenience.

We wish you all the beautiful festivities, you can pass in joy and love with whoever you you are and wherever you are. Jul
& Mo

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

All Pictur Milena Velba

All of the other reindeers used to laugh and call HIM names

or the value of friendship

or 's nice to be considered for what has been

SKETCH # 1 #

Friend # 1: Saturday L. married, do you remember the gift we wanted them together? You, Me, Amica Amica 2 and 3?

Me: Sure, sure, I remember!

Friend # 1: With Amica Amica 2 and 3, we thought of giving L. head of some sexy underwear, something explosive to spread G. Deal?

Me: But why not? What are my friends, otherwise?

Amica No 1: You come when you go shopping? Because without you it is really impossible to go there, you are absolutely indispensable!

Me: (???) Oh, I'm flattered! So, let's see ... Tomorrow afternoon is good for all?

Amica No 1: Perfect! So, see you tomorrow afternoon from 3 Underwear. Get something easy to remove and replace, I recommend!

Me: (?!?!?!) Co-As, I'm sorry? In what sense?

Amica No 1: Well, we want the gift is perfect, not then wearing a black lace negligee the wedding night and it's not the size right, you think?

Me: Okay, I agree, but I still do not understand ...

Amica No 1: You'll have to try the leaders to give to L. You're the only one who has small breasts and butt as big as that of L! If they go to you, go for strength to you too!

Me: ...

SKETCH # 2 #

D1: Oh, good Lord! How long is the line to get to this concert!

D2: True, we do a little 'chit-chat of to kill time! C. you when you went to a concert last?

Me: Oh, well, let's see ... Um, I think when I was about twenty years ...

D1: Whoooo! must have been centuries ago!

Me: ...

D2 (whispering): D1, my good friend. You just said that our new friend is a ancient woman.

SKETCH # 3 #

A: Hey , fortunately in the bathroom of this mall is the mirror. Can I get back without her lipstick smudge.

Me: Um, I do not know if it is reliable proxies. Look at that black eye that makes me!

A: Perhaps it is not the mirror!

Me: ...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Baby Papoose Knitting Pattern

You're poison running through my veins

HER: Dear, remember that in January come to visit G. and L. Italy?

HIM: Yes, yes, of course I remember!

HER: Here, I just heard G. and says that L. does not know anything yet and since I saw you at Christmas would be the case ...

HIM: Do not worry, dear, I tell you!

HER: Er ...

Friday, December 10, 2010

How Do You Get A Paint Bursh On Poptropica

remains of stucco ...

Mom, you know Superman, flying faster than light?

Yes, of course.

So that means that flies to more than 300,000 km per second. But do you know? Even his eyes should be able to look at that speed, otherwise they crash. Right?

not bat an eyelid.

Here, I wish I had eyes that go as fast as those of Superman. Why do you think: if you put all in a row pages of a book, even up to 1 km, if the book is great. And if my eyes will read the speed of light I can read 300,000 books in the second big! Can you imagine?

Eh, actually have quite a lot 'of books!

think that's great, passes you in the statistics of aNobii!

Oh, yeah!

maybe I could expect, read only for a split second and then stop, so I'd take the time to recover.

very chivalrous, on your part.

We do not have the eyes of Superman.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Restaurants That Are Purposely Rude

Ouch! Krampus a leg!

The weekend just past was pleasantly full, we usually prefer to laze on the sofa and, at most, cook some sweets. By the time it is affecting quite a while 'for weeks, then, who would want to go out? Does nothing but rain!
Sunday, December 5, however, we are persuaded by Deborah and Daniel, two of our friends who have already experienced here, and we jumped in the car to reach Tarvisio, where we saw for the first time the Krampus.
What are the Krampus, you say?
E 'old tradition accompanied by many legends, the most famous is this:
Many years ago, during periods of famine, the boys of the villages dressed up with goat skins, horns and hideous masks to avoid being recognized by their fellow countrymen, in this way could scare the inhabitants of nearby villages to steal the supplies necessary to pass the hard, cold winter Friuli.
Soon, though, the boys noticed that among them there was an intruder: the Devil himself, who, taking advantage of his terrifying face, had infiltrated among them and was recognizable only by the hoof of goat that was in place feet. To exorcise the malign presence was named a bishop, Nicholas (or St. Nicholas) who defeated the devil.
Since then every year the kids dress up as a devil, and continue to visit the surrounding villages, not for plunder, but to bring gifts, accompanying the bishop and saint who had defeated the evil. Thus was born the tradition of the feast of St. Nicholas and Krampus.
This festival is not typical only of Tarvisio, Val Canale Friuli, but is also found in South Tyrol and the rest of Europe, Slovenia and German-speaking areas such as, for example, Bavaria and Tyrol.
Personally I had never seen the Krampus, even if it is a tradition in my region, so I was happy exit.
As soon as we arrived in Tarvisio we were catapulted into a magical world, only made of snow and tales, populated by these horrific creatures that, was wondering if you were good, or just not saying anything, I whipped quietly.
If I may speak my mind, the most beautiful part of the evening, the one that really touched me was when we took refuge in a cafe to warm up with hot chocolate. In the table we were seated next to the local children with parents in the bar suddenly entered a Krampus in all its awful height and approached the children's table. The little ones cried from fear and even the older ones seemed to shock ... then the Krampus was made by and entered San Nicolò. Older children were thrown kneeling on the ground and, in the order of "saint", began to recite the Lord's Prayer in unison. Then the Krampus has pulled out of her basket (the basket is a basket of wood, wicker or viburnum twisted shape of a truncated inverted cone, open at the top, used to transport various materials, and is carried on the shoulders) of bags containing candy, sweet bread and charcoal that has distributed to children ... and also to Deborah and me ^ ^ have been the most exciting thing that's occhidi girl kneeling in front of the "holy", such innocent eyes and clear, eyes shouting "Yes, I believe." I do not think I forget that look so fast.
If you want more information about the festival Tarvisio I recommend you take a look here : is the site of the Group of Krampus Tarvisio Centrale, very detailed and well done, where you can find pictures and videos of past years and other interesting things about tradition. Incidentally, the legend that I quoted above I took it from there. And now

Here we are, as beautiful as the sun spectacularly in a photo technique! Ok, ok, not the best, but it was a cool cat, it was hard to keep a steady hand while snapped! ^ ^ And then does the atmosphere!

Walking around in the street is this luminous figure, St. Nicholas, that brought a smile to children ..

Here an cheerfully beats that of a native Krampus Tarvisio .. even if she really
did not seem very happy ..

Krampus Here is another: the costumes were excellent, and see them turn in the dark so did
some effect:)

I do not say the cries of this child in a wheelchair when the hairy
suppose you saved the front ... But the mother did not protest, probably
from now on when he wants to be obeying the will say: if you fail to make good the name is Krampus!

is the stylish - and certainly self-produced-poster of the event:)

In the second location of the party we found waiting for food in addition to a nice snowfall ..

The bonfire they had prepared and has attracted little after all these , which have slowly gathered around in a circle ever closer to the warm Terga .. was a little strange to see all shot from behind the fire ^ ^

Here at last the descent from the mountain: suddenly began to light bonfires and torches, which have multiplied as they went down: dramatic is an understatement ..

Once we have on other pyres to light snow made for the Throne of St. Nicholas.
It was like being in a video-style metal Rob Zombie, really.

is finally ready for the holy to dispense forgiveness to poor kids ..

.. and the two guards on either side of the throne ...

then divolacci have met all the children to pray to the saint kneeling in the snow, waiting for its basket of candy. .

except too bad: here, at the sole discretion of pelosone, the boy was forced to lie down and 'swim' in the snow .. But you go to protest goes:)

.. some also had long hair fashion: P

We hope you enjoyed our story ... a greeting to all! Jul

& Mo

Friday, December 3, 2010

Egyptian Female Doctor

December and winter sweet

ragassuoli Hello! Finally arrived in December, the magic month of the year. The cold begins to be looking sharp, the snow, where it does not rain, welcomes children and the holidays are upon us. You can be completely atheists feel the cold, anticonsumistici, yet you win by the only real important thing for this month: a magical setting of ice out there will make you feel even more value, and the warmth and love of those around you. Christmas is the birth, a birth very important for us all, because first of all must be reborn in our hearts for those who love and care for our feelings, we can give before you receive for this we can give ourselves before the master card.
And then there's hot chocolate, punch, mulled wine, a thousand kinds of meats, roasts and gravies beautiful plump and tasty so that we can deal with Grandfather Frost!
We can see and experience this holiday season as they see fit, just remember that you can put aside for a couple of days per year what we believe right or wrong, everything can wait the time to smile and make people smile. ^ ^
done for the day my doing good, I'll tell you quickly the birthday of my Father!
On November 22 he reached the ripe old age of 57 years of birth, and although his mind from Ursida was not very well not have stood a chance the classic little party of the family.
My gift to him was the Sacher cake, which he likes very much. I was sorry to leave but also outside the classical, let's face it, there is a riot of imagination .. so I opted for the simple decorations with chocolate butter cream and chocolate cov varied.
Here are the photos:

Here is the creature: the icing is not beautiful, I have to decide to buy a thermometer for the chocolate, at three times the melt at least the ruins. . The funny thing is that just ended, I realized that I had by jars of frosting for German sacher .. ^ ^ Oh well, let us pretend that I come to do it better!

Photos of the details, which is very chic food bloggers: in fact we understand even better the barrow imperfections that this cake is brought out below, but let's say for convenience that serve to give character and make it unique . Just be confident, no? ;)

And here we are almost in full force to the little family: from left to right we have Renzo and Frank, my beautiful grandchildren, my mother and my father, the Monkey already sick of photos, my brother which looks The Playboy of the coccolissima and wife / mother Louise. I came

beautiful, I know, here behind the camera ^ ^

fun this weekend, see you soon!