Monday, February 28, 2011
Truck Toolbox Locks Replacements
no pictures, no comment ... just added the words of Jeff Decker:
"Haters keep you grounded.
If you know me, & I dislike, I'm sure your Reasons are well founded.
If You Have Never Met me & hate me, you are simply a cyber-masturbator & you should focus less on my life & more on your own.
There are so many guys out there who have created blogs, website sites & events that don't even own a single bike... they read, write do a little research & you believe.
Are you still in school?
The internet in a tool... nothing more. A collection, swap meet, race, rally, face to face, that is real. Hate a guy to his face & he will love you for it or knock you out, but these computer shenanigans are for the weak.
Give me a bloody nose or a hug, but stop hiding behind your cyber cowardly code name.
xoxo, jd"
Human Organs For Sale Pros Cons
video istituzionale Nolan risalente agli anni 70,beccatevi Guzzi 750 s in the opening, the ironic final scene and the show!
Nico Robin Et Nami Et Vivi
Ragassuoli Hello!
dolciofilo Weekend at home Friday, I got a new book by Luca Montersino, Peccati di Gola, and I could not wait to test it.
So far I think is the best book pastry I've purchased devotes several pages of theory to different 'bases' of pastry - sponge cake, pastry, croissants, puff pastry, custard, etc. - and then suggests several basic preparation for each application. All this, however, treated in a professional manner, explaining what happens chemically and physically, because it reveals the various, and always using a language capibile who takes the book to get closer to this world. Really, I'm learning a lot reading it!
Saturday so I have tried the donuts or donuts with custard. I've made a score, and end of the evening is left between my family and that of the Monkey one!
After a start like that, I took courage and I threw in what for me are black beasts: the leaven!
I said, come on, let's try! And I put in the yard
Pasta Brioches Luca Montersino
the ingredients I used were these:
1 / 2 kg of flour manitoba
80 g of whole milk 15 g fresh yeast 180
g egg
70 g sugar 15 g honey 10 g of dark rum
2 g of lemon peel 1 vanilla bean
180 g of butter at room temperature (it must have soft texture, pass it to the limit a moment in the microwave, or if like me you have not near a radiator)
8 g of salt and one egg, the equivalent weight of cream Fresh
Prepare the various plates and bowls with all the stuff, go! First you put rum in a cup with honey, vanilla pulp and grated rind of lemon, stir well and let the flavors blend. If prepared by mixing these flavors so even a half hour before you start, even better! The briochine explosion of flavors! Then put in a bowl the flour with the yeast of beer is here part of the revolution ... not dissolved in the milk! Yes, you read right, broken up directly in the dough, scladar without milk, without waiting for the 'Start' or face the rising schiumette ... Then sugar, being careful not to pour it into contact directly with the yeast for too long, because it can damage it (how many things I did not know!) and milk at room temperature, not warm. Indeed, if it is very hot even a little 'cooler environment. Why is this thing but if they always say the opposite? This immediately explains Luca; because the heat ruins the gluten, and as already mixing the desired temperature rise and stress, at least this risparmiamogliela. If you're in a cabin in the mountains and snow out of bad, a little 'milk can heat it. Anyway coming back to us, once you have yeast in bowl flour, sugar and milk started to mix: I used the electric mixer with beaters dough hook, if you have the planetary lucky you! But if you hand the proceedings will be the same, only an increase of enough.
Add the eggs one at a time, and only when the former was well absorbed, then knead for about 8 minutes at medium speed (if you do not apply to hand: in this case will be about 8 minutes instead of 15), after which, combined butter cream a little at a time, by absorbing too well before aggiungerene more. Put the spices first then prepared and finished with salt, finishing knead for 5 minutes. You will see that fabulous mix!
It 's very soft now, so give them a form and put it LIVIT until doubled, then smash it to rise, wrap in cling film and go for a three Oretta in the fridge.
After this time, form the dough into balls (the technique is called Pirlatura just got cool!) And put them on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper to lievitare.In now you can also add some ingredients, such as the I I quickly mixed with the chocolate chips. Then the rise: I have I covered with a damp cloth and have attached little, Luke says to use the DOMOPACK and have attached the same (at least the donuts), the limit a little flour over and try, it is important let rise in warm, wet environment (30 ° approximately). When
doubled, stir the egg yolk with the cream (if the yolk were weigh 30 g usatene many of cream) and then brush the well to bake at 180 C, until golden brown. I
I kept 18 minutes, and they are perfect out of the oven!
I can not tell you in words how soft they were, but even those bought approaching! It was like eating clouds with chocolate chips inside! Then I forgot to cover them, and were out all day until this morning .. thought of being in front of the usual block of porphyry and instead .. they were not soft, ok, but much like the pan ciock mill white. Really, I'd do a statue to this man, managed to make me come two leavened in two days .. Now the next challenge will be the Kranz!
soon ragassuoli, I leave you with pictures!

Then use the yolk is not alone as I always have mixed with cream but gave a beautiful color, but in the picture does not appear to be bought!
Garment Rack In Menards
I have never seen such a close symbiosis between the final product and logo. The Anvil Motorcycles (actually all-Italian) was chosen as a representative icon of an "anvil" and their bikes are hard as this tool.
Their creations have an aftertaste from "hard man" to mix vintage classic revised and targeted to the pure spirit of the bike itself.
few frills, lots of substance. The bikes that I like (and you know bad gluttons!).
More info and contacts on: Anvil Motorcycles
Loud and Proud
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Sony Vegas Effect Lag
follow Jesse James and his exploits for ten years or so. I have always admired this man and every time I look at the work I remain bewildered.
What you are about to see is a documentary / guidance on metalworking (strength Uncle Jesse).
Enjoy guys ....
Who Is Kate Playground
Tonight is so, memories ...
Turn your face to the moonlight Let your memory lead you
Open up, enter in
And there you'll find The Meaning of what happiness is
And a new life will begin
I look at the moon and let the memories
you open your guide, you come in and discover what happiness
It will start a new life
All alone in the moonlight I can smile at the old days I was beautiful then
I remember the time I knew what happiness Was
Let the memory live again
All alone in the moonlight I can smile
the past days I was beautiful then I remember
the time I knew what it was happiness
Let the memories come back to life
Burnt out ends of smoky days The stale
cold smell of morning A streetlamp dies Another night is over
Another Day Is Dawning
Days smoky burnt at the end
The stale cold smell of morning A street lamp goes out
Another night is at the end
A new day begins
I must wait for the sunrise I
must think of a new life And I
give in When the dawn comes Tonight will be
a memory too And a new day will begin
I have to wait for the sunrise I must think
a new life And I must not let go
When dawn comes tonight will become a memory too And a new day will begin
Sunlight through the Trees in the
summer Endless masquerading Like a flower as the dawn is breaking The memory is fading
The sunlight through the trees in summer
A worm disguised as a flower while you are The opening dawn
memory fades
Touch me!
It's so easy to leave me All alone with the memory
Of my days in the sun If you touch me
You'll Understand what happiness is Look! A New Day Has Begun
Touch me!
is so easy to leave me All alone with my memories of days spent in the sun
If you touch me You'll know what happiness
Look! A new day has begun
Saturday, February 26, 2011
How Much Does A Bottle Patron Silver Cost?
wanted to inform all readers a wonderful project Made in Italy made by his Romano Brida.
Base Moto Guzzi t5, this final result:
you can find all the details directly on the blog
photo by Fabio Aaron
How Long Does Pinot Noir Rose Last
Killed Myself When I Was Young from The Jalopy Journal on Vimeo .
Friday, February 25, 2011
What Is The Highest Martial Arts Belt
Healthiest Blunt Wrap
(5 years ... just as well that are not allergic to the fur of a monkey! Ndm: P)
I have to tell you the truth, however: both I and Moreno we have not noticed the slightest change in recent years. I mean ... of water has passed under the bridges, we both grew up together as a couple but also individually, we met every day except on rare occasions (now) more than five years, but there seems to knows how long. Do not know about you, but when five years do not seem very steady pace beside if someone then for me means that he / she is really good.
And it is this: I met him with happiness I do not feel very humble when I say that I made known to him happiness. It 's why ... we are both "lucky".
Incidentally, I prefer the original version (which you can see and hear here), but it is a video that I could not incorporate the post so I decided to give up.
The actual day we celebrated with some pastries that led to Moreno, but I just feel better (I am haunted by the influence) we go out to dinner! We look forward to celebrating this milestone decently:)
On day 22 there were also gifts, even if the most beautiful gift is to be so in love (Seriously, so!). The gift
Moreno were two tickets for the musical Grease, which will be later in Trieste. (Fortunately, that tickets are nominal, so the tap to take me with her strength, though not always know how to use 'good manners', especially in crowded places such as cinemas and theaters .. NDM)
The gift that I have made with my hands Instead Moreno is a soft plush. We place the photo of the little mouse, too bad that the image does not feel is soft ... luckily Moreno adores him!
Greetings to all!
& Julia Moreno
Match Pewter Compared To Arte Italica
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Toothbrush Handle Turns Black
continue the story of the twin-cylinder Harley Davidson with a new chapter ...
1966-1984 SHOVELHEAD
As we have to understand in time, if there is one thing I do hate the Milwaukee upsetting a technical project. It is said that the British were to be traditionalists, and that their very innovate then they have brought to ruin when the motion came as the Japanese Kamikaze 70 years, but also the Yankee mica joke!
I think attitude is not to denigrate the traditional, if something works well because it upset? It is not the absolute performance that customers are interested in this type of bike and how my grandfather always says "every which has the ass his master" thanks to this bucolic principle that a brand like Harley is kept alive and ... Thankfully, the "donkey" producing are beautiful.
said (forgive me, dear readers, but the premise was proper) let us analyze one of the most popular engines by myself: the Shovelhead.
Literally "shovel head" because of the shape of the head (imagination vote 10). The technological innovation of the engine is not complete, as tradition says, because the base is the same as the Panhead. The development is in the head is aluminum as well as the components of the distribution and a new air filter. 1200 cc for 60 hp and 4 speed gearbox. This
until 1970 when the Shovel evolves with the new base "nose cone", the replacement of the generator with an alternator and the ignition inside the housing right engine. It remains so until the 80's when it becomes 1340 and so has the innovative electronic ignition.
Loud and Proud
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Velba Big Boob In Her Mouth
Usually we follow this custom, and in fact I have always tried to make chocolate cakes or chocolates for Moreno on this day but this year it was different: we have exchanged the role! ^ ^ Do not tell me then that we do not respect the equality of the sexes!
Yes, this year Moreno was to prepare the beautiful and delicious chocolates for me and I ... well, I will return March 14th! I must say that I'm not complaining at all, because my chocolates melt away (I can not temper the chocolate) so I am quite a disaster), but Moreno has promised me a lesson in pastry and then next year I will definitely better.
Here are pictures of chocolates:

are decorated on the surface with the gold!

... and the interior is colored white chocolate red ... not a love?
is how to do it! I'm really easy!
First, get yourself the molds for chocolates .. Moreno uses a die hard met in rows with different forms .. It is not very practical if you want to do the same so many chocolates, but if they do a few at a time and want to change its ways without have a thousand different molds, well, is comfortable.
chocolates with white chocolate and Cointreau;
about 150 grams of dark chocolate, white chocolate
50 g;
red food coloring;
15 g butter;
5 g cream, 3 oz cointreau
First must temper the chocolate. A quick explanation and find it understandable here. I find this site a very good resource, I recommend it ..
I had to do by eye, having just tragically lost my beautiful thermometer, sigh, but what counts is the result!
Then, place it into the tempered chocolate mold, and battiamolo capovolgiamolo to empty the various molds, (Do it on a surface that will allow you to retrieve the chocolate that will leak out) then off to cool down. In these days of course there's sure to find a place to do it! While solidifies, heat white chocolate in a double boiler, heat it does not look at me too please! As it melts slowly, In a saucepan pour the Cointreau and the dye, I use the powder and I find it better to dissolve it in alcohol, then the cream and bring to a boil. Mix the butter out of the fire, then when we combine the butter is blended with white chocolate, stirring well and leave to cool. Waited a while we fill the mold with chocolate ganache, I used a syringe for convenience, but if you have not even a teaspoon would be fine .. only been careful not to fill them too! 3 / 4 will be enough! Forgive cool, so the ganache congeals, and riorniamo advanced to temper the chocolate. When the ganache is set (if you is not cold as we recommend 15 minutes in the fridge) and pour the chocolate with a steel trowel to take away the excess. Let's put it to cool another 15 or 20 minutes, then flip the mold on a table, beat it lightly on the back (I once supported the raise of a few cm and then dropped it again on the table), and lift it, if you have good tempered chocolate , there they are beautiful shiny waiting for you! ^ ^ Enjoy!
Monday, February 21, 2011
How To Get Poptropica Costumes

If you do not want a man unhappy politically, do not show two aspects of the question that you would not worry. Mostragliene one. Better yet, not one. Let not forget that there are wars. If the government is incapable, urgent and demanding, it is better to have people worried. Peace, Montag.
Give the people contests They win by remembering the words to more popular songs or the names of state capitals or how much corn Grew Iowa last year. Cram Them full of non-combustible date, chock Them so damned full of 'facts' They feel stuffed, But absolutely 'brilliant' with information. Then they'll feel they're thinking, they'll get a sense of motion without moving. And they'll be happy, Because That sort of facts do not change. Do not Give Them Any slippery stuff like philosophy or sociology to tie things up with. That way lies melancholy.
Give the people contests they can win by recalling the words of the most popular songs, or names of the capital, or how much corn was produced last year in Iowa. Fill all those with information blank, they must overcome the 'facts', so that they feel 'brilliant'. So I guess I think, they seem to move when in fact they are stationary. And be happy, because the facts do not change much. Do not give them hot stuff like philosophy or sociology to connect everything. This is how it opens the way to melancholy.
Any man who can take a TV wall apart and put it back together again, and Most men can Nowadays, is happier Than Any Man who tries to slide-rule, measure, and equate the universe, Which will not just Be Measured or equated without making man feel bestial and lonely.
I know, I've tried it, to hell with it. So bring on your clubs and parties, your acrobats and magicians, your dare-devils, jet cars, motor-cycle helicopters, your sex and heroin, more of everything to do with automatic reflex.
Anyone who can destroy a TV and put it back together, and most people can do nowadays, is happier than anyone trying to calculate, measure and place in the universe equations. The universe will not be measured or put into equations without the man to feel an animal is suffering and loneliness.
I know, I tried. The devil. So go ahead with the parties and clubs, with acrobats and jugglers, fools, cars powered, helicopters, motorcycles, sex and heroin, more of everything that can be done through an automatic reflex.
We Stand Against the small tide of Those Who Want to make everyone Conflicting unhappy with theory and thought.
We deal with the small tide of those who want to make everyone unhappy with conflicting theories and thoughts.
[Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury]
Friday, February 18, 2011
Does Muscle Milk Stunt Growth?

Maybachufer there is a wonderful market and I went there, although six U-Bahn stops from home. I brought four canvas straps to carry the loads and I started.
About two hours after I got home I emptied and 3 of the 4 bags, extracting:
1) the loot market : potatoes, onions, zucchini; red peppers, hot peppers, a bunch of coriander, 2 heads of lettuce; coast; black plums, oranges, apples, 3 avocados, mangoes 3;
2) the BIO loot the shop in front of the U-Bahn : peas, corn and frozen spinach, tofu, soy milk and strawberry, soy yogurt, kidney beans, tomato sauce.
I was pleased to see such great abundance, congratulating myself for managing to bring home all without forgetting pieces around. Should I have everything I need for a Mexican dinner based vegetarian chili and guacamole (or maybe I could get me to learn to make tortillas) and for an apple pie. The rest is in improvisation.
And after all this self-satisfaction, I decided to have lunch with the leftovers picked up around the kitchen: a fund of lettuce with dried residues of fennel seasoned with salt, oil and various seeds and a dish of red cabbage, mixed with pieces apple (a portion was frozen there more easily in the freezer). Always happens, when I do the shopping. The abundance clearly intimidates me.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Free Mount And Blade Srial
We are only half of the month, but not good to let it build up too much reading in memory. From the time of the post
summarizing the first books read in 2011, I have already added a dozen, it requires a list before the details too much eyeshadow.
was still January when I was immersed in reading Down And Out In The Magic Kingdom of Cory Doctorow.
The story takes place in Disneyland, in the future. Humans do not fear death, any incident is resolved with a brand new body which is implanted in the memory of the subject, previously recorded in regular back-ups. There is, however, who is tired of living, in that case he is allowed to commit suicide, but very few are those who choose to end it in a drastic way. The solution preferred by most is the so-called "deathend" I just put you to sleep for a period shorter or longer, even hundreds of years. Then you wake up and resume live, presumably in an environment so different from what you have left, that boredom at least for a little 'do not torment any more.
Another interesting detail is the fact of always being online all : Information is shared instantly by anyone with anyone, you do not need cell phones to exchange photos or text messages at the time because everything is updated in your personal database.
The story revolves around the protagonist, his girlfriend and his best friend, strenuously engaged in an enterprise without hope, or try to avoid that the animating spirit of Disneyland to be abolished in favor of new more efficient technologies, powerful, stunning and of course profitable. The protagonist is one who takes more care about what, to the point of removing their girl despite his party was initially with the idea to do this for you. With his motivation is able to touch some soul, but of course incurs many difficulties: some battles can never fight easily.
Doctorow manages to be brutally present even in a fantasy world. Soon after I read
Radiance of Alyson Noël.
This is the story of a girl named Riley, who died in a car accident with mum, dad and his dog Buttercup. The only one who survives the accident and Ever, the older sister of Riley. The book tells the story of Riley's own, which crosses a bridge after the crash and is in the afterlife. This other world is revealed to be a place very similar to that in which she lived when she was still alive, but that is called here and where time is always NOW. It is a strange place, seen from a perspective more strange: that of a young girl who longs for life and does not know how to go forward now that it's over. Afraid of confrontation, just as it was the first day of school on earth, biased against a court considers it unfair that a priori, since it has not been able to grow or live long enough, puzzled to discover that his parents had difficulty finding a place away from her ... finally found to fill the role of a "catch-anime" , for lack of alternatives to desire. It turns out not to get along at all bad. A tale
cute, curious and slightly less than it might appear.
The third book of this round was Truth Ice of Dan Brown. I will
a pleasure to myself and the whole world, from now on. Do not read anything that bears his signature. I find his books always more irritating, conceited, rehashed and unbearable. I think Dan Brown has a unique ability in which he excels: it manages to take any potentially good idea, stripped of all sides interesting, throw in a meal at the caricature characters who seem to Mickey and Gambadilegno, season with phrases in and will click as if it rained and sell millions of copies.
Throughout the reading you have a vivid impression of watching a puppet theater where it shows all the time and it is also clumsy.
His & Hers are obliged to fall in love. They are surrounded by supervillains who want to make him the skin but can not ever even though they are trained military body special and have at their disposal technological inventions and war that even Luke Skywalker. One would think that him and her to be the superhero, a kind of Rambo, the Vietnam veterans who had fled from Guantanamo ... no, none of this. If you still hope to find something plausible, give up now! He is a handsome leading oceanographer documentaries on TV. She is an employee (ex officio) of the government.
The style of narration is poor and makes great use of something that is defined in the parlance infodump . You are facing a infodump when in the middle of a scene the author delights us with unsolicited information, trimmed to mo ' a little lesson and not integrated to the plot. Not only does Dan Brown shows off his culture without even bothering to disguise. There propina trivial notions of biology or physics as well, without reason, since it is often entirely of information irrelevant to the story. Evidently, in addition to believe a novelist, Mr. Brown stands as a promoter of culture of the masses.
But I spoke too. It will perhaps be the envy of me to talk, as so often - you know - it happens in such cases. It seems right and proper, therefore, leave the word to him, the distinguished:
"the gaping hole in the ice looked like a small pool in the center dell'habisfera. The surface of the pool, seventy meters deep, was wrinkled for a while before you settle down. The water level of the well was at least a meter below the surface of the glacier, and this discrepancy was caused both by the displacement of the mass of the meteorite is the property of ice to reduce its volume when it melts ". (P. 128)
I added the italics. Someone wanted to know that Dan has learned his lesson in properly? me no, none of the characters could care less, as are all of the trade and what they knew this perfectly.
Now before you write to the second (and last, do not worry) quote, we need a little summary. The premise is essential to understand the drama of the moment I want to share with you.
Our players, him and her, as I said before, are constantly targeted by a handful of military special forces, something between the secret services and the mercenaries legalized. There are three, they move fast, do not have budget problems and can afford to shoot with a prototype weapon that if they were found by an ordinary mortal would be exchanged for goods aliens. In a time when the three attacks, His & Hers are in the company of another woman and another man and just four unarmed civilians in the vast white expanse of ice and sea ice. The woman is killed before the eyes of him and her and the man almost, but he & You hide behind the sled. Too smart! Why three military special forces officers to kill four unarmed civilians should focus on the first and second quasi-corpse corpse instead of hurry to get rid of the other two and go home for tea time, I do not know. In any case it works well. And then our two can come to get the bright idea to attach to belt the sheet covering the slide, which instantly inflates because of the strong wind and lifts them into the air. Since the group was joined on the rope and the only one to be removed when the woman-body, His & Hers, weighted by the near-corpse, stunned to take flight under the nose of the military. But the wind is very strong and pulls them inexorably toward the sea. Do not want to end up in water, because the thermal suits they wear have a limited holding water and die of cold in a short time, then try to break away. Imagine the scene, it's a crazy situation! The wind blows and screams, presumably there is also the rain that lash them, it's cold, you are dragging an almost-dead body dangling at the end of the rope and could be thrown into the sea. They try to unhook the carabiner which is attached to the sheet, but the pressure is too strong and do not make it. The edge of the ice inexorably approaching, she takes the ice pick that was hanging from the belt to saw the rope that binds them to sheet. I have never taken part in a course in survival techniques and are ignorant of bailout, but I am pretty hard to imagine that a rope as it should be the one carrying three adults in a storm can give in a matter of seconds ax blows to , in the air. In any case, can she just in time and the three fall on the ice below, within an ace of the water. Exhausted, terrified, battered and bruised raise his head.
And now I yield the floor to Dan, who gives us the view of him:
"Then he realized what had happened had fallen from the glacier leading to a lower slab. Great as a hockey rink, it was partly collapsed, ready to break off and fall into the sea at any moment.
"The phenomenon of calving, Tolland thought, noting the precarious platform on which he lay." [P. 233)
's for sure! What else you want to think in such a predicament, if not the scientific definition of the phenomenon of formation of the iceberg?!
Then just two references to the famous Lui & Lei He is beautiful and works on TV, millions of women around the country are in love with him, but he is a blowhard, perhaps changing girl like change your socks? Never! He is a pure heart, devotedly loyal to his dear departed wife, properly dead and buried at the time of this poo the story unfolds. And fall in love with him and her because towards the end of the book Dan Brown you remember and squeezes between a paragraph and the other things like: "She saw sweet expression in his eyes," or "He finally realized what it meant to his wife, when on his deathbed he had promised that one day we would still love "and a little more 'is expected to see someone who rides alone into the sunset.
So, so disappointing that I do not know which way to avoid describing. But let's say enough here.
The fourth book of this post is Men Who Hate Women of Stieg Larrson . Despite the
enormous success it has had, I found a good book. Maybe not to justify the blunder in the success, but it seemed to me a beautiful yellow, well constructed, with believable characters and realistic reactions.
A journalist finds himself, due to various problems, to have a year of time available. Then accepts to work for an elderly gentleman who instructs him to write his official biography, but unofficially it is interested in finding out what happened to his beloved nephew, missing something like fifty years ago and he believed dead, killed by a unidentified member of their large family and very acid. The journalist accepts and leaves in spite of the events that involve hand hand unfold before his eyes. He is assisted in his research by a very special girl, unconventional, and very crudely cynical realist, always ready to expect the worst from people. And we often guesses. Eventually the mystery is revealed and our honest journalist back gloriously to do his job.
not made me mad, but the story is engaging. I already plan to read the sequels. Afterwards I read
World Of Wonders of David Gerrold . I've already written
here and so I take advantage of cutting a little because of this post that Dan Brown has expanded dramatically.
was then the turn of The Forest House of Marion Zimmer Bradley .
I decided to pick up a book of Zimmer Bradley after I came across numerous rave reviews. The only book I had picked up his previously was "The Mists of Avalon", at the tender age of 17 years, and I had dropped out almost immediately for boredom. ever see that with age can appreciate?, I said. And I attacked "The Forest House". I confess that I have eagerly tried to push the characters with the power of thought to do something after realizing that a 100 page summary of the story could be this: a young Roman soldier accidentally fell into a bear trap is rescued by the family of the Britons. * GH *
I continued reading, not because of the relentless action, but the setting painted with a precision and delicacy that I found very admirable. I do not know if what I'm doing is stupid or sexist remark, but felt strongly that the back pages of the book there was a woman. Like when you enter a house and see flowers on the table and the sofa cushions dcorativi.
So in the end I must admit that I liked the book, but that the style of Zimmer Bradley is ill-suited to my impatient nature, probably daughter of a busy life and too many Hollywood movies. I think I will read more of her, but only when I feel I'm slow rhythm.
Even the book number seven I have already spoken . This is The Complete Idiot's Guide To Pilates Method of Karon Karter. Not much else to add, if you do not consider that the theory is by far the easiest part. Definitely.
The following book was First Love, Last Rites of Ian McEwan.
This is a collection of short stories and has not left me very satisfied. The first story, Solid Geometry, is perhaps the most surreal of the entire collection and I think what I appreciated most. The others are too melancholy, and are held at locations deliberately shabby, but they are a bit 'tired of Melancholy & Squalor no way out.
On the advice of a contact anobiiano soon after I started reading another book by the same author: Atonement.
And that wowed me.
This is a story on different levels. The basis of the story is a great English house in time before the Second World War. It is summer in a few days and takes place the episode which explains everything that follows. The proponent of the fate of a handful of people is Briony, a young girl who was then thirteen. It has a very vivid imagination, indeed: more. In his imagination create events, assign roles and at one point dragging his world of fantasies and ideas in the real world, upsetting the lives of more than one person. When older, he realizes what he did, it's too late to remedy, but in her own way she feels that we must try.
The finish is sad to tear the heart, but it's so guessed that only enhances the value and beauty of this novel. Finally I read
Pereira, Antonio Tabucchi of .
A gentle story, sad and beautiful, a Portuguese who wakes up under the dictatorship and a journalist dedicated to the culture page of a newspaper.
Pereira a normal man, not a fervent patriotic and even a daring revolutionary. Do not use the culture page of which is responsible for propaganda pro-or anti-dictatorship, but translated songs of poets and writers that I find interesting. It is devoted to the memory of his dead wife, who turns every day watching her face in an old photograph. It's a little 'overweight, suffers from heart and makes the life of a bachelor, with the housekeeper who found him ready to eat regularly. And in his routine and engage the dictatorship, with its demands, and a couple of young revolutionaries, he continues to help discreetly without being able to explain why. And when it finally is revealed the specter of dictatorship unmistakable and cruel, the only decision that takes a man eager to conclude their lives in peace with the world and with their conscience can take.
The style is unique and still very light even when the episodes are hot. The book is read with pleasure, the pages follow one another delicate and intertwined with each other. A quiet afternoon leaving a bit 'bitter taste in mouth, inevitably leading to the realization that history always repeats itself.
My Hands Are Tingling Why

- Well, first I have to prepare our Italian class. And then I want to cook the bread and roasted peppers. Vp I do yesterday, but eventually I did.
- Why? What happened?
- Well, you know. One thing led to another and arrived at night.
- Come on, what did you do yesterday?
- In the morning I went to enroll in high school. Just before I had to fill out the application and was required to mark two other school preferences. So I had to find the names of two other high schools.
- And what did you put?
- I scored as a second choice is the one where your friend V. and as the third one where joined A.
- Okay. And after what you did?
- After delivering the application form I wanted to return home immediately, but I heard bleating ...
- Bleat?
- But yes, BÈÈÈÈÈ. It came from the small farm that is next to the school. Then I went to see. There was a Pecorone who continued to complain: BÈÈÈÈÈ - BÈÈÈÈÈ. Another went behind him but what went on. Ah and then I saw two little lambs! They were already on their feet, they were not small. But they were so cute, all blacks and soft!
- And after the sheep, what have you done?
- Well then I went home. I started to search for documents that are used to dad and then I phoned my grandmother. In the meantime I took the laundry and folded the laundry. Then I prepared lunch, only that I burnt and I had to throw everything away and start again. Sara then came back and we started talking about her crochet scarf. When she came out to get you to buy more balls I realized I had left only half an hour before pick you up, then I read a few pages. After school I went with a violin and when we returned home it was time to make dinner. As you can see, there really is was time to bake bread and roast peppers.
Yes. One thing led to another and when evening comes you can not collapse even if it is done virtually nothing.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Broiling Strip Lion Steak
I wonder whether there is in nature a vital force equal to that of the eel. Seriously, I have great respect, almost a kind of reverence for this animal. And 'one of the few fish, for example, that can breathe out of water: it manages to breathe through skin, as is the case for some amphibians.
Not to mention what is in front of the new chef when it comes to killing the animal, clean and fillet. I must admit that it is a hard test, I found myself unprepared to repeat like a mantra: That's a joke? No, seriously, it's a joke fot ####### mo?!
If you are not faint of stomach, or you need a quick lesson on how to deal with the visual challenge take a look at this video .
Another precaution, vital information which fortunately I have found time and my fishmonger coop he had forgotten to give me (no, I know that the Coop is not me ..) is that the eel meat deteriorates quickly, and should be killed and cleaned right before cooking. There I understood why my uncle, who was fishing, he held ready in a Mastellone water. A little bit for it to lose the taste of mud typical of this type of river fish, a little to get them ready and fresh when needed.
One of the most delicious ways in my opinion is to prepare the sauce with roasted Kabayaki and accompanied by the fragrant white rice.

To prepare for this bonanza?
first fork, you'll need eel. You can get it in two ways: first go to a specialty store in Asia and take frozen fillets ready for use, a move that advice. The second, if you're brave or you do not have Asian food stores nearby, and take home the beautiful fish guizzante.Comunque still serves an eel, a three-pound serves two people.
-white rice (I explain how to prepare here )
Kabayaki-salsa. If you go all'alimentari Asia, ask for it. I used the ready, bought here. The shipping costs are low, the quality is really good, I'm happy with this online store. If you want or need to do it yourself, you'll need
-120 ml soy sauce;
-120 ml mirin (sweet sake is a kind of cooking)
-45 grams sugar.
you do not find mirin, sake can be replaced with the increasing dose of sugar for a while, even if you do not find the Sake .. well, some use sherry, but I do not guarantee the taste!
Ok, when you have all the ingredients to first prepare the sauce: Mix all ingredients in a saucepan, stir over low heat until all sugar is dissolved. Then let it cool, bottle and keep it in the fridge ready for when you need it.
If you have frozen fish, place in refrigerator to thaw slowly at least 5 or 6 hours before. If you have fresh eel, an hour before cooking it clean it and cut threads. If you've ever done, will take away more time and some scream. In the video above you can see the Japanese chefs use a nail, he has two purposes: it kills the animal outright, and hold it steady while you work. If like me you are missing of course, our services are perhaps more comfortable after having killed him in a trance of about 10-15 cm and to work one at a time.
Begin light the coals, and return from your thread. Once you have them in front of you, if they cut them into slices of a long span max, then stop using the skewers as follows:

this measure will ensure that you do not curl during cooking and is more comfortable handling. While the embers to prepare you end up white rice.
Now, with your sauce Kabayaki maybe put into a bowl and move your thread to the grid area. Wet
good for the fillets in the sauce, and place them skin down on the embers. The skin should be crispy, not eye to overcook the meat though. Every now and then take them away from the coals for new bathrooms in the sauce, so that they become well lacquered.
When you are ready, place in individual bowls white rice, the rice over hot fillets removed the skewers, and ultimately paid just over a tablespoon of sauce to flavor the rice.
Big hugs to all! Moreno
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Burning Under Skin Near Collar Bone

- So, Luke, now I go out with your sister, takes her around the shops. You stay at home with Dad and you know what to do, right?
- Huh?
- You have to finish the book that you promised to finish the day before yesterday evening and yesterday afternoon, and then yesterday evening and this morning ...
- Okay, okay! I understand! But I was missing 20 pages, no I'll never finish before you come back!
- Yes, that will do it. We are staying away for a while '.
- Ugh. And so I already know who the thief is the cook.
- The Cook?
- Yes! All signs point to him and then, you see? Here is drawn to the kitchen and the cook is this. View suspected that air? In addition, the book is titled "Pfefferdieb", or "The Thief of pepper, and cook a character is obviously suspect.
- Okay, it might be the cook. But you'll never know for sure until you finish. We are still two chapters, perhaps there is a nice twist and it turns out that the Pfefferdieb is, I know: the Monaco of the village!
- Tse, the monaco. You cook, I tell you.
- Okay, it does not matter: do not cook or chef, you have to finish the book. Hello.
16:48 hours
- Hello?
- Hello, Mom? It's me. When you come back?
- Well, I do not know, we are still inside the store. Why do you ask?
- Eh, I've only read ten pages, I do not know if I can come back to finish before. I need more time!
- Do not worry, we linger a little longer '. How much do you need?
- Um, I would say at least another hour.
- All right, mice. See you in an hour.
- Okay. Ah, Mom? I was right: it was the cook!
- But you're still missing a chapter, you can not know!
- I tell you that he is, you'll see! Hello!
17:16 hours
- Hello?
- Hello Mom, I am.
- Oh, hello mice. What's happening?
- Well, I really do not think I do it to finish ten pages before he returned. Can I stop and finish later?
- Why do you say that? When you called me half an hour ago you had already read ten pages! How many have you read since then?
- Erm, zero.
- Zero? But how?
- I could not concentrate and then to relax a bit 'I played "Happy Birthday" with my kazoo.
- Okay, but now that you are relaxed you can not return?
- Really, Mom, I can not concentrate!
- Okay, well after you finish! Hello!
at 17:45
- Hello?
- Hello Mom, I am. Can I play with the wii?
- Well, you meet the one-hour limit You definitely.
- So you tell me what's the password? Dad does not want to!
- No, I will not tell you what is the password! Tell Dad I said that you can play and if he still tells you that you can not, wait.
- Ugh.
- You can always get back to reading.
- No, no. Appearance. But when you come back?
- Sarah is trying on a sweater, I do not know. See you later.
- Okay. Hello.
Some afternoons are really hard!