- So, Luke, now I go out with your sister, takes her around the shops. You stay at home with Dad and you know what to do, right?
- Huh?
- You have to finish the book that you promised to finish the day before yesterday evening and yesterday afternoon, and then yesterday evening and this morning ...
- Okay, okay! I understand! But I was missing 20 pages, no I'll never finish before you come back!
- Yes, that will do it. We are staying away for a while '.
- Ugh. And so I already know who the thief is the cook.
- The Cook?
- Yes! All signs point to him and then, you see? Here is drawn to the kitchen and the cook is this. View suspected that air? In addition, the book is titled "Pfefferdieb", or "The Thief of pepper, and cook a character is obviously suspect.
- Okay, it might be the cook. But you'll never know for sure until you finish. We are still two chapters, perhaps there is a nice twist and it turns out that the Pfefferdieb is, I know: the Monaco of the village!
- Tse, the monaco. You cook, I tell you.
- Okay, it does not matter: do not cook or chef, you have to finish the book. Hello.
16:48 hours
- Hello?
- Hello, Mom? It's me. When you come back?
- Well, I do not know, we are still inside the store. Why do you ask?
- Eh, I've only read ten pages, I do not know if I can come back to finish before. I need more time!
- Do not worry, we linger a little longer '. How much do you need?
- Um, I would say at least another hour.
- All right, mice. See you in an hour.
- Okay. Ah, Mom? I was right: it was the cook!
- But you're still missing a chapter, you can not know!
- I tell you that he is, you'll see! Hello!
17:16 hours
- Hello?
- Hello Mom, I am.
- Oh, hello mice. What's happening?
- Well, I really do not think I do it to finish ten pages before he returned. Can I stop and finish later?
- Why do you say that? When you called me half an hour ago you had already read ten pages! How many have you read since then?
- Erm, zero.
- Zero? But how?
- I could not concentrate and then to relax a bit 'I played "Happy Birthday" with my kazoo.
- Okay, but now that you are relaxed you can not return?
- Really, Mom, I can not concentrate!
- Okay, well after you finish! Hello!
at 17:45
- Hello?
- Hello Mom, I am. Can I play with the wii?
- Well, you meet the one-hour limit You definitely.
- So you tell me what's the password? Dad does not want to!
- No, I will not tell you what is the password! Tell Dad I said that you can play and if he still tells you that you can not, wait.
- Ugh.
- You can always get back to reading.
- No, no. Appearance. But when you come back?
- Sarah is trying on a sweater, I do not know. See you later.
- Okay. Hello.
Some afternoons are really hard!
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