Friday, February 25, 2011

Healthiest Blunt Wrap

On February 22, Moreno is a good day for me and, because it is the 22 / 2 of 2006 we put together. Doing a few calculations, so ... yes, this year we celebrated five years! A beautiful goal, considering that neither of them had been with someone for so long, working on seriously and with knowledge that these steps are only the first of many years together.
(5 years ... just as well that are not allergic to the fur of a monkey! Ndm: P)
I have to tell you the truth, however: both I and Moreno we have not noticed the slightest change in recent years. I mean ... of water has passed under the bridges, we both grew up together as a couple but also individually, we met every day except on rare occasions (now) more than five years, but there seems to knows how long. Do not know about you, but when five years do not seem very steady pace beside if someone then for me means that he / she is really good.
And it is this: I met him with happiness I do not feel very humble when I say that I made known to him happiness. It 's why ... we are both "lucky".

Incidentally, I prefer the original version (which you can see and hear here), but it is a video that I could not incorporate the post so I decided to give up.

The actual day we celebrated with some pastries that led to Moreno, but I just feel better (I am haunted by the influence) we go out to dinner! We look forward to celebrating this milestone decently:)
On day 22 there were also gifts, even if the most beautiful gift is to be so in love (Seriously, so!). The gift
Moreno were two tickets for the musical Grease, which will be later in Trieste. (Fortunately, that tickets are nominal, so the tap to take me with her strength, though not always know how to use 'good manners', especially in crowded places such as cinemas and theaters .. NDM)
The gift that I have made with my hands Instead Moreno is a soft plush. We place the photo of the little mouse, too bad that the image does not feel is soft ... luckily Moreno adores him!

Greetings to all!
& Julia Moreno


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