Sunday, February 27, 2011

Who Is Kate Playground

Look! A New Day Has Begun.

Tonight is so, memories ...

Turn your face to the moonlight Let your memory lead you

Open up, enter in
And there you'll find The Meaning of what happiness is
And a new life will begin

I look at the moon and let the memories

you open your guide, you come in and discover what happiness

It will start a new life


All alone in the moonlight I can smile at the old days I was beautiful then

I remember the time I knew what happiness Was
Let the memory live again

All alone in the moonlight I can smile

the past days I was beautiful then I remember
the time I knew what it was happiness
Let the memories come back to life

Burnt out ends of smoky days The stale

cold smell of morning A streetlamp dies Another night is over

Another Day Is Dawning

Days smoky burnt at the end
The stale cold smell of morning A street lamp goes out

Another night is at the end
A new day begins

I must wait for the sunrise I
must think of a new life And I
give in When the dawn comes Tonight will be

a memory too And a new day will begin

I have to wait for the sunrise I must think

a new life And I must not let go

When dawn comes tonight will become a memory too And a new day will begin

Sunlight through the Trees in the

summer Endless masquerading Like a flower as the dawn is breaking The memory is fading

The sunlight through the trees in summer

A worm disguised as a flower while you are The opening dawn
memory fades

Touch me!
It's so easy to leave me All alone with the memory

Of my days in the sun If you touch me

You'll Understand what happiness is Look! A New Day Has Begun

Touch me!

is so easy to leave me All alone with my memories of days spent in the sun

If you touch me You'll know what happiness
Look! A new day has begun


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