Monday, February 21, 2011

How To Get Poptropica Costumes

We Stand Against

If you do not want a man unhappy politically, do not give HIM two sides to a question to worry HIM, HIM give one. Better yet, give HIM none. Let Him Forget There Is Such a thing as war. If the Government is inefficient, top-heavy, and tax-mad, better it be All Those Than That people worry over it. Peace, Montag.

If you do not want a man unhappy politically, do not show two aspects of the question that you would not worry. Mostragliene one. Better yet, not one. Let not forget that there are wars. If the government is incapable, urgent and demanding, it is better to have people worried. Peace, Montag.

Give the people contests They win by remembering the words to more popular songs or the names of state capitals or how much corn Grew Iowa last year. Cram Them full of non-combustible date, chock Them so damned full of 'facts' They feel stuffed, But absolutely 'brilliant' with information. Then they'll feel they're thinking, they'll get a sense of motion without moving. And they'll be happy, Because That sort of facts do not change. Do not Give Them Any slippery stuff like philosophy or sociology to tie things up with. That way lies melancholy.

Give the people contests they can win by recalling the words of the most popular songs, or names of the capital, or how much corn was produced last year in Iowa. Fill all those with information blank, they must overcome the 'facts', so that they feel 'brilliant'. So I guess I think, they seem to move when in fact they are stationary. And be happy, because the facts do not change much. Do not give them hot stuff like philosophy or sociology to connect everything. This is how it opens the way to melancholy.

Any man who can take a TV wall apart and put it back together again, and Most men can Nowadays, is happier Than Any Man who tries to slide-rule, measure, and equate the universe, Which will not just Be Measured or equated without making man feel bestial and lonely.
I know, I've tried it, to hell with it. So bring on your clubs and parties, your acrobats and magicians, your dare-devils, jet cars, motor-cycle helicopters, your sex and heroin, more of everything to do with automatic reflex.

Anyone who can destroy a TV and put it back together, and most people can do nowadays, is happier than anyone trying to calculate, measure and place in the universe equations. The universe will not be measured or put into equations without the man to feel an animal is suffering and loneliness.
I know, I tried. The devil. So go ahead with the parties and clubs, with acrobats and jugglers, fools, cars powered, helicopters, motorcycles, sex and heroin, more of everything that can be done through an automatic reflex.

We Stand Against the small tide of Those Who Want to make everyone Conflicting unhappy with theory and thought.

We deal with the small tide of those who want to make everyone unhappy with conflicting theories and thoughts.

[Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury]


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