Sunday, February 6, 2011

White Discharge Instead Of Menstruation

Fish are friends, not food.

When towards the end of January I wrote a post talking about the books I've read so far in 2011, I must confess that I was pretty proud of myself. Not so much the quantity of books read, but told them all in one place (relatively) short. For
truth, I was so fair, I decided to do it again. Not today, do not worry! Ideally, I'd say once a month, one of the last days. Or, if the disease by hydrophobic reader has been particularly virulent, without waiting for the end of the month I prepare the post after 10-12 books.

said this (reader Warned), I would just swallowed a short quote from the last book: Worlds of Wonder, David Gerrold. The subtitle says it all: How to Write Science Fiction & Fantasy .

I never read manuals on writing, at least not that I remember. I have read many articles Links, I smile with nice list of tips intended to be a writer Umberto Eco, and I reflected on those provided by Mark Twain .
do not remember, however, have never read a whole book explaining how to write, or as a writer. Evidently, if ever I read one I was not impressed. This text instead
me pumped right from the start, because one thing is certain to have developed opinions about the positive evaluation of a story / novel / written, if you prefer. Another is to find out that almost all these views are shared by anyone that matters. If

with ideas about the creation / management a fantasy world I have experienced moments of glory and gained self-congratulation for my insight, I greatly appreciated the part that was the style and rhythm.
Normally I consider myself a writer spontaneous, I have never gone hunting for a particular style, not much mud that I write. Of course I know you have not reached perfection, but simply I have never raised the problem of change / improve in that particular field.
reading this book I have seen which way to go to bridge the huge gap separating the my style perfect style. I received all the inputs that could be desired. Now SO to go to work and I have been given ideas about how to do it. I know what I groped, how to exercise and how to experiment. And I aaaamo experience!

But I digress. In the beginning I just wanted to write a citation, but today must be the day when you move your finger on the keyboard so incotrollata. I will deal with them later, now I need.

You are what you pretend. Pretend big. - You are what you pretend to be. Pretend big.
Be your own biggest fan. - Be your biggest fan. Be your
Most ferocious critic. - Be your fiercest critic.
Impatience is fatal. Enjoy Each Moment of your story. - Impatience is fatal. Enjoy every moment of your history.
If you do not, no one else will. - If you do not you, will not do anyone else.
You can not write what you do not know. If you do not know, find out. - You can not write about what you do not know. If you do not know, find out.
Show. Do not tell. - Show. Do not just say.
Create expectations. Then defy Them. Surprise yourself. - Manage expectations. Then sfidale. Surprise yourself.
Write your own story. - Write your story.
Be passionate. - Put passion.
Aim for the stars. - Punta the stars.
Never eat anything larger than your lawyer. - Never eat anything bigger than your lawyer.

Okay, the last one escapes me. But other statements from now on are my !


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