- Well, first I have to prepare our Italian class. And then I want to cook the bread and roasted peppers. Vp I do yesterday, but eventually I did.
- Why? What happened?
- Well, you know. One thing led to another and arrived at night.
- Come on, what did you do yesterday?
- In the morning I went to enroll in high school. Just before I had to fill out the application and was required to mark two other school preferences. So I had to find the names of two other high schools.
- And what did you put?
- I scored as a second choice is the one where your friend V. and as the third one where joined A.
- Okay. And after what you did?
- After delivering the application form I wanted to return home immediately, but I heard bleating ...
- Bleat?
- But yes, BÈÈÈÈÈ. It came from the small farm that is next to the school. Then I went to see. There was a Pecorone who continued to complain: BÈÈÈÈÈ - BÈÈÈÈÈ. Another went behind him but what went on. Ah and then I saw two little lambs! They were already on their feet, they were not small. But they were so cute, all blacks and soft!
- And after the sheep, what have you done?
- Well then I went home. I started to search for documents that are used to dad and then I phoned my grandmother. In the meantime I took the laundry and folded the laundry. Then I prepared lunch, only that I burnt and I had to throw everything away and start again. Sara then came back and we started talking about her crochet scarf. When she came out to get you to buy more balls I realized I had left only half an hour before pick you up, then I read a few pages. After school I went with a violin and when we returned home it was time to make dinner. As you can see, there really is was time to bake bread and roast peppers.
Yes. One thing led to another and when evening comes you can not collapse even if it is done virtually nothing.
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